(32) I Want To Do Real Bad Things With You

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I Want To Do Real Bad Things With You

Chapter 32

Jace’s POV

Drake was behaving really strange but I didn’t question him any further, it was killing me not knowing what was going on but he said that I would see later so I decided to  try and have fun like he wanted me to.

The restaurant was right on the edge of the beach and we had a private booth next to a big window that looked out over the water. It was really beautiful but I couldn’t keep my eyes off of Drake. He had on light blue jeans and a plain white tee shirt but he still managed to be more beautiful than any sight. His hair was short but messy and I could see his muscles straining under his shirt as he leaned forward and took my hand in his. I was having a really hard time controlling myself because all I wanted was to feel his lips on mine and his arms around me.

“If you keep on looking at me like that I’m going to have to drag you to the bathroom again and there are a lot of people watching us already,” Drake stated.

“Fuck the people, where’s the bathroom?” I asked, only half way joking.

“You really are a sex addict,” Drake chuckled but from the look in his eyes I could tell that he was tempted.

“Only when it comes to you,” I replied, causing Drake to smile his gorgeous smile.

We ordered our food then and although I was transfixed by Drake, I have to admit that the food was really good. Drake talked and laughed but I could tell that he was really nervous and I couldn’t understand why. The sun had set completely by the time we were done and Drake was leading me out of the restaurant and back to our car.

He said earlier that I would see why he was so nervous but he hasn’t said a word about it since and I was starting to get really nervous as well. What the hell was going on?

“Drake, please tell me what’s going on?” I asked as we reached the car.

“I love you,” he replied and before I could say anything I was pushed back against the side of the van, his lips crushing down on mine as his hands gripped my body. His lips devoured mine, leaving me breathing heavily when he finally pulled away and opened the door for me. I got in, still feeling a bit disorientated from his very demanding and public kiss and watched as he walked around and got in beside me.

“Let’s go home,” he said, his voice uneven as he started the van.

“Drake, you need to tell me what’s going on,” I stated, turning down the volume on the stereo.

“Soon okay?” he asked, smiling his wickedly sexy smile at me.

“Okay,” I agreed reluctantly as he turned the volume back up again.

The drive back home took about five minutes and I couldn’t really think straight since Drake’s hand had found its way onto my leg, rubbing intimate little patterns that were driving me insane.

As soon as Drake had parked the van, he jumped out and ran around, meeting me at my door and taking my hand in his.

“Come on, I can’t wait any longer,” he said, leading me into the building. We took the elevator, in which his lips never left mine and then we headed to our apartment. By the way he was kissing me I thought he was going to rip my clothes off of me the second the door was closed but instead he lead me over to the balcony.

“What are you doing?” I asked as he unlocked the glass door and pulled me outside.

“Follow me,” he replied as he grabbed a hold of the fire escape ladder and started climbing up. I had no idea what was going on but I was starting to feel kind of excided so I followed him up the ladder like he asked.  Our apartment was right at the top so it was only a few steps and then I was being pulled over the edge and onto the roof by Drake’s strong arms.

The roof was only dimly lit from the light radiating from the buildings behind ours and the moon was shining brightly, reflecting on the calm water of the ocean.

“It’s beautiful,” I said, taking in the view.

“It is but it’s nothing compared to you,” Drake said, his voice sounding lower than it should have and his words tugging at my heart strings.

“What…” I started saying, wanting to ask him what he was doing but as soon as my eyes focused on him I swallowed my words as my heartbeat sped up instantly. He was standing there next to me, bent down on one knee and holding out a little black box with a ring in it.

“Jace,” he whispered, his voice shaking slightly.

Shit, this is not what I expected at all.

I couldn’t find my voice as my mind processed what was happening.

“Jace, will you marry me?” he asked looking up at me nervously, his eyes shining with hope and love.  I was speechless but I knew I had to say something, it was as though my mouth and my mind wasn’t working together properly though. I’ve never even considered the idea of marriage since I first recognized my feelings for Drake all those years ago but now that he asked there is nothing I wanted more. I already knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him, loving him and making him happy but I guess I just always thought deep down that someday he would find somebody better, somebody he could have a real life and family with.

“Jace?” he questioned, snapping me out of my thoughts and bringing me into motion. He was too far away from me and I didn’t like him kneeling in front of me so I fell down onto my knees in front of him as happy tears stung in my eyes.

“Yes, yes I will marry you,” I breathed and watched as his face lit up, his lips turning into a huge smile.

“You will?” he asked, sounding like he didn’t quite believe it.

“Oh yea,” I replied and then his lips were on mine, kissing me with so much passion that I had to hold on to him to stop myself from crumbling to the floor.

“I love you,” Drake breathed when we finally pulled apart, his eyes never leaving mine.

“I love you more,” I whispered and watched as he took the ring from the little box.

“What about kids?” I found myself asking before I could stop, I guess deep down this is one of the things I was most worried about, what if Drake suddenly someday decided that he wanted to have kids, something I could never give him.

“Seriously? I’m asking you to marry me and you’re worried about kids?” he asked, sounding amused.

“Yeah, I mean, we could never…” I started explaining but was cut off by another long, but much gentler kiss.

“Do you want kids?” he asked when he pulled out of the kiss.

“No, I mean… to have a baby with you would be awesome but it’s not possible so I’ve never really thought about it,” I replied, hoping that I’m making sense.

“Good but I think a dog would do for now and then when we are ready we could look at adoption,” Drake smiled.

“You would do that, I just always through you would want to have your own kid,” I replied, wondering how we had gotten onto this topic now of all times.

“No, if I ever have a kid I want it to be ours, not mine, now can I please have your hand?” Drake asked, his eyes shining with happiness.

“Now and forever,” I replied as I lifted my hand and placed it in his.

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