(5) I Want To Do Real Bad Things With You

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I Want To Do Real Bad Things With You

Chapter 5

Jace’s POV

The day dragged by and except for the phone call Drake gave me when he landed, I haven’t heard anything from him. It’s only been a few hours but it felt like a lifetime. I changed the channel for the millionth time and tried to concentrate on the scene playing out in front of me. It was useless.

At around nine I gave up trying to distract myself and walked up to our bedroom. It felt empty without Drake and the mere thought of getting into bed without him devastated me. I tried to stop myself from crying but I failed miserably. I wanted to be strong because I know how much the scholarship means to Drake but I was seriously starting to think that his absence was going to kill me.

I sat down on the floor, against the bed and closed my eyes.  I have no idea how long I sat there but the feel of my phone vibrating in my jeans pocket pulled me out of my thoughts. I dug it from my pocket and pressed the answer button hurriedly, almost letting it slip out of my hands.

“Hi,” I said, my voice cracking slightly. I was almost starting to think he wasn’t going to call me.

“Hi, how are you?” Drake asked and the mere sound of his voice caused me heartbeat to go into overdrive. I wonder if he knows how much he affects me? I wondered, feeling relieved that I was talking to him.

“I’m missing you,” I replied honestly.

“I miss you too, it’s all so different here. I wish I could just come home,” Drake said, his words making me feel slightly better. He was missing me too, he wanted to be with me too.

“How’s the university?” I asked, curious and concerned at the same time.

“It’s ok I guess. I’ve only seen the dorm rooms and the cafeteria but it looks alright,” he answered, not sounding very convinced.

“Are you ok?” I asked, worriedly, not liking the way he sounded. It made me nervous. I wanted him to miss me as much as I miss him but I also wanted him to enjoy his classes and be happy.

“No, not really. It’s all so different and I don’t really like my roommates,” Drake replied.

“What did they do?” I asked feeling upset now, I hated it when drake isn’t happy

“Nothing, they’re just strange. I don’t think we’ll get along,” He replied.

We continued talking for a while and then said goodbye. My heart almost breaking when I pressed the end call button on my phone. It felt as if a big empty hole opened up in my chest as soon as the sound of his voice was gone and I smothered my sobs with my hand. I stayed there on the floor for a very long time and eventually decided that I probably had to get into bed. I was starting community college tomorrow and I was going to be a wreck if I didn’t get any sleep.

I didn’t though and by the time my alarm went off I was still tossing and turning. I dragged myself out of bed, took a shower and got dressed, hoping that college will somehow help distract me. It didn’t.

I couldn’t stop thinking about Drake.  The smell of him lingered on my clothes and in his car. The songs playing on the stereo reminded me of him and all the time we spent together and by the time I reached the college I was even worse off than before.

I started doubting that I was going to be able to survive without him.  I lost him once before but this time was worse because now I’ve had a taste of his love and I am addicted.

The classes were boring and the kids all seemed to be in their own little words, going on about their business as if I didn’t exist. I didn’t mind that though, I was used to being ignored and at the moment I was actually thankful for it. I didn’t feel like pretending to be ok. I didn’t feel like doing anything except for getting on a plane and going to Drake. I couldn’t do that though and it was killing me.

The day dragged by and all I got from Drake was a message in the morning telling me that he misses me and loves me. It helped a bit but it didn’t change the fact that I couldn’t hug or kiss him whenever I wanted to. I’ve gotten used to being so close to him and now I was suffering really badly.

I hadn’t eaten at all so when my classes were finally done I stopped by a fast food restaurant and got me some take aways. I ate them as I drove and tossed what I hadn’t finished when I got home. I wasn’t really hungry anyway. I felt like shit.

I made my way into the house and to my room. The house felt empty and I wanted to scream. Instead I fell down on my bed and hit the pillow while I cried. I think I was literally going insane. It didn’t feel good. I needed Drake. I needed to see his smile and feel his arms around me. I needed to feel his lips on mine and his hands on my body but he isn’t here and there was nothing I could do about it.

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