(4) I Want To Do Real Bad Things With You

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I Want To Do Real Bad Things With You

(Sequel to I Want To Do Bad Things With You)

Chapter 4

Drake’s POV

Jace fell asleep in my arms and I never wanted to let him go. I know how much this is bothering him but he refuses that I stay, not because he doesn’t want me to but because he is selfless and wants the best for me. I on the other hand really didn’t want to go. I mean, I wanted to go to the university and all but I didn’t want to leave him behind. Jace is very sensitive but he doesn’t like showing it, he likes to act strong and brave but I was really worried as to how this was going to affect him.

I scooped him up into my arms and carried him to our room. He stirred a bit as I laid him down and took off his suit but then drifted off again. I didn’t want to lose one second with him so I ripped my suit off as well and got in beside him, wrapping him in my arms.

“I love you,” he breathed as he moved even closer, laying his head on my chest.

“I love you more,” I replied, hugging him tightly.

The following days passed by fast and soon it was time for me to leave. I didn’t want to, every sense of my being was telling me that I was making the biggest mistake of my life but Jace insisted, promising me that he would be ok.

“If you need anything just call me and I’ll be here as soon as I can, it doesn’t matter if it’s one in the morning just call me ok?” I said for the millionth time, wanting him to understand that he is still my number one concern.

“I will, now go on or you’re going to miss your plane,” he said, smiling jokingly but his eyes gave away his real feelings. He was sad and scared and it was killing me.

“I can stay,” I said for the millionth time.

“No, now go and remember, I love you,” Jace said, pulling me into a hug.

“I love you,” I whispered before pulling out of the hug and kissing him passionately. When we were both out of breath Jace pulled away and I had to leave.

Walking away from him was the hardest thing I’ve ever done and I had to remind myself that I was going to see him again, hopefully very soon. This wasn’t the end of us, I was just going to university and everything will be fine. Jace will be fine and hopefully I’ll get signed by a good professional football team before my three years of university is done. Then I can start making money and Jace can come and live with me again. I just hope everything works out that way.

The flight was long and as soon as we landed and I was off the plane I phoned Jace, needing to hear his voice and make sure that he was ok. I wasn’t that lucky though, he tried to sound cheerful but I could hear that he’d been crying and it took all my strength not to climb back on the plane and demand that they took me home.

My new couch was meeting me at the airport and taking me to the campus so once we hung up I set out to look for him, good thing he had a board with my name on or I would have walked right passed him.

He introduced himself as couch Carter and then helped me load my luggage into the trunk of his car. The university wasn’t too far from the airport and he chatted happily all the way. He is a middle aged man but had the personality of a teenager on crack. It was very strange actually but I’ve heard some real good things about him so I shut up and listened.

When we arrived he parked his car in a huge parking lot and pointed me in the direction of a massive building.

“The offices are right at the entrance, just tell them who you are and they’ll give you your dorm room keys and schedule,” he said still sounding very happy.

“Ok, thanks,” I replied, gripping my suitcases in my hands and taking off in the direction he pointed me in.

Finding the offices was easy but finding my dorm room was hell. The place is huge and I had to ask about ten different people just to get there. I’m sure it took me two or three hours and by the time that I did get there I was ready to scream. I was tired and irritated and all I wanted to do was take a shower, get into bed and phone Jace but I wasn’t that lucky.

I had two roommates and they had obviously not just left the love of their lives behind and flown three hours to a place they didn’t know.

“Hi, I’m Jackson,” a huge guy with spiky blonde hair and a crazy look in his eyes said, holding his hand out to me.

“Drake,” I replied as I shook his hand and then turned my attention to the other guy sharing my room. He was eating something, I have no idea what it was but it looked horrible, and drinking a beer.

“Sam,” he said, jumping up and walking over to his bed where he dug another beer out of a cooler box that he had hidden under it. I looked at them a little shocked, not sure what to say or do but they didn’t seem to notice or maybe they just didn’t care.

“Want one?” Sam asked, holding a beer up.

“No, thanks,” I replied, not having anything against alcohol but really not feeling in the mood to party. I’m pretty sure that we’re not allowed to drink on campus anyway.

“Suit yourself,” he said, turning to Jackson and tossing the bottle at him. He caught it in the air and popped the cap with his hand before taking a sip. I had to restrain myself from running away. This was the big league and if I wanted to survive I couldn’t show any weakness.

“Are you just going to stand there all night?” Jackson asked, making his way over to his bed, watching me with curiosity.

“No, this is mine right?” I asked, pointing at an empty bed in the corner.

“It’s the only empty one so unless your planning on sleeping on the floor, I’d say yes,” Sam said, looking at me like I’m an idiot.

“Ok then,” I said more to myself then to them and made my way over to the bed.

The room wasn’t huge but it was big enough for the three of us, I guess. Jackson and Sam’s bed were next to each other on opposite sides of the room with a desk and their bedside tables separating them. My bed was on the other side of the room across from a built in cupboard which I guess were’ all going to be sharing. There was another desk in the room and two dressers. The window was right beside my bed and I was thankful for this as it kind of separated me from them.

I placed my suitcases on my bed and then started unpacking them, hoping that this was going to work out because at the moment I felt very lost and all I wanted was to be with Jace.

I Want To Do Real Bad Things With You (Boy x Boy)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant