Imagine #1- Don't Go

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Doesn't Jungkook look so cute here?...I'll just let you read.

But seriously when doesn't he look cute

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But seriously when doesn't he look cute. Those who have Jungkook as their bias knows what I'm talking about.

(First Name's) POV:

Jeon Jungkook as well as Taehyung or TaeTae as I like to call him have been my best friends for the longest time. Ok maybe not the longest time like since kindergarten but it feels that way. It all started in middle school when appa, eomma, unnie, and I had to move from Seoul to Busan due to my appa's new job. I hated it, who would want to move away from the place they grew up, the place that shared so many wonderful memories that would never be forgotten, where all your friends were but at the time I didn't have a choice...and I'm so glad I didn't.

I look up at the foreign building in front of me, children my age laughing and running around in front of the school, while my stomach is churning with anxiety. It didn't look scary in particular, it is only the fact that I am the new kid and will be viewed as the new kid.

"Come on (Y/N)!" My mom smiled at me as she had already gotten out of the car.

I slowly but surely make my way towards her and she holds my hand, walking me inside the school once I acquired my schedule, letting me go. Few minutes pass and I wander aimlessly around the school, clutching my new textbooks close to my chest. The bell rings signaling first period, a sea of people rushed about while I too was trying to find my first class.

"Hey!" I yell whipping around when I feel my textbooks snatched from my arms.

"You want it? Get it." A older looking boy said, holding the books with ease in one hand up high over my head.

I feel flustered and my face shows it, my face reddens as I feel people looking our way. There's no way I can reach my books and this boy is intimidating to say the least, I lower my head staring at my shoes.

"Ya!" I hear another voice call out, I lift my head to see a boy walking over glaring at the guy with my books.

"How about you leave her alone?" He steps in front of me and crosses his arms.

"Ya Jungkook-ssi why do you want to help the new girl? Just having a bit of fun that's all." He smiles.

"Is she having fun?" He asks taking a step closer to him, the guy takes a step back but Jungkook only takes another step closer, he doesn't respond.

"Is she?" He asks sternly once more, the guy only keeps on staring at him not budging, when Jungkook realizes he isn't going to get an answer he swiftly snatches my books out of his hand. He turns around, grabs my wrist and leads me away from him.

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