Imagine #12- My Melodious Escape

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I am so sorry it took me forever to update! but merry late Christmas, here is my present from me to you! What's in italics are song lyrics.

Y/N's PoV-

"Y/N...Y/N...L/N F/N!" Ms. Park adressed.

I hear the murmurs of what sounded like my name through my earbuds. I lazily look up to see Ms. Park looking straight at me, clearly frustrated at my lack of cooperation. I take out one earbud and give her my attention.

"네? (Ne)"

"Our new student Jeon Jungkook shall sit next to you, I hope you help him feel welcomed." She explains while the whole class bore their eyes into my face. Ms. Park clearly knows I haven't been listening since class started 15 minutes ago which explains her brief introduction to me about this Jungkook guy.

I only nod and look to the right of her to see an innocent looking boy blankly staring at me, beginning to make his way over next to me. Once he sits down I don't try and make friends with the stiff boy next to me, and only mostly give my attention to my music while attempting to finish the given work. I listen to my music all day, the teachers don't try to interfere but I don't mind. The bell rings shortly after and I arrange my books in my bag before walking out of class. A hand softly grabs my wrist gently and I turn around to see Jungkook nervously looking at me.

"I-um can you show me around school?" Out of all the people in the class room why choose to interact with me? It's genuinely not meant to be a snotty question, just mere curiosity, I mean he saw what a b***h I can be. And plenty of other students seemed to be interested in becoming his friend.

"Uh yeah follow me." I only give that response not to be rude to the guy who looks strangely stricken with fear anytime a girl comes within 5 feet of him. Yeah like one of the few things I noticed about him. And it's also lunch so I have nothing better to do.

He trails behind me the entire time we walk around the school as I explain to him the little details here and there.

"And definitely avoid the daegu tang when it's served. Your stomach will be in a fit all day after, I learned the hard way." I laugh as we walk by the cafeteria, trying to break the ice. He chuckles and I can tell he thinks I'm joking, oh well he'll find out sooner or later.

I bid Jungkook a goodbye hearing the bell, I lay my head in my arms once in my seat, earbuds again nicely snug in my ears.

Narrator's PoV-

Y/N lulling into a peaceful nap fails to notice Jungkook walk in the same classroom only a few moments after her. His eyebrows furrow when seeing the familiar head of hair laying on the desk, he wonders to himself how he failed to notice they had the same classes. Entering quietly Jungkook sits in the seat beside Y/N facing her, oblivious to the looks and confused stares he's getting.

He peaks closer to her face, admiring all of her features from her half exposed face. He can't help but lean in obliviously while Y/N is still in her dreamland, unaware of her admirer. A sudden slam of a book wakes her up but she doesn't open her eyes, deciding she's still not ready to face her school work. The noise wasn't very loud but she's an extremely light sleeper. But as she tries to sleep again she feels a burning sensation boring right into her, as if someone were watching her.

Y/N's PoV-
I can't shake off the uncomfortable feeling of someone watching me. I open my eyes quickly to see Jungkook's eyes widen so big, his eyes look like they will pop out of their sockets. He practically jumps back, a soft red shade painting over his cheeks.

"Ah um I-I'm sorry." He rubs at the back of his neck.

"It's okay." I say deciding not to tease the boy in this moment although it so tempting.  One day.

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