Imagine #4: I Saw You But Then I Didn't

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A/N: Hi, sorry but this imagine is going to be through Jungkook's point of view and slightly short but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless.

Trigger Warning: Suicide

Jungkook's POV:
I roam the streets aimlessly, trying to clear my head of everything attempting to disrupt peace. The streets of Seoul blooming with life as people pass me by. I look up at the gloomy sky as the dark clouds threaten to drop rain. I just finished practice at BigHit with the rest of Bangtan and told them I'd be going out. They were all concerned because of how uninterested I have been with the majority of things but I'm okay. I just feel the need to have a day of relaxation. Clear my head.

I sit on a nearby bench on the outskirts of the busy street. For a few moments I watch the cars pass by thinking of nothing I'm particular. I turn my head and peer out across the street, I see a girl, she's beautiful. Her head hangs low as she looks down as she looks down at the book in her lap, sitting on the same bench as me. She looks like she's around my age, maybe younger. Although her face is well hidden by her (y/h/c) hair, I can tell her overall appearance was cute. She pays no attention to the noise Seoul brings as her eyes intently scroll through the page.

I look away, if she spots me staring she would certainly think I'm a pervert or some type of creep. I look down at my untied shoe laces and fiddle with my hands. But I can't help but look up to see her, she seems so mysterious in a good way. My notifications goes off as I see a text from Jimin.

Jimin: Hey come back to BigHit! We're all going to practice 'Fire' choreography.
Jungkook: On my way.

I look back at the girl still patiently reading her book as I get up and turn the opposite direction to go to BigHit.

A few days later, the rest of BTS and I agree to go to a Thai restaurant that Jin can't stop talking about it. We all cram into the car as Jin gets in the drivers seat. Around 15 minutes later we arrive, as we all get out I recognize this street. It's the street with the mysterious girl. I notice I'm on the same side she was as well. As we begin to walk into the restaurant I look at the bench. I see her, this time just staring into space in deep thought, now seeing her face clearly I can see her beautiful features. Something seems extremely off though, I can't help but feel anxious about today after seeing her. Her face seems to hold some sadness I couldn't detect before. I hope it's nothing. I hope she's okay. I stare at her for a few moments, before an arm slings around my shoulder.

"Hey are you coming?" I turn to see Taehyung looking at my face with that big smile he always has. I notice everyone is already inside.

"Oh were you staring at her? She's pretty cute. You should go find out if she's taken." He says with a slight smirk, pointing at her knowing how nervous I get around girls.

"You're making it obvious!" I scold him but his smile is still plastered on his face.

"Okay little Kookie, I'll get her number for myself." He says confidently, he begins to walk to her before I grab his shirt collar and forcefully pull him into the restaurant, not before I take one last glance at her.

"So Jin! What do you recommend?" I ask dropping while Tae can't drop that little smile he's holding.

We all come out of the restaurant stuffed, we're all joking and playing around, relaxed. Tae jumps on Jimin's back and Jimin struggles to hold him up right and I can't help to blurt out.

"Maybe if you were taller, you wouldn't be struggling!" I tease, knowing his height has nothing to do with this situation.

"AISH JEON JUNGKOOK!" He yells as everyone bursts into laughter.

I turn back to the bench to see her figure gone, I quickly turn back to my friends as they continue to laugh and joke, a bit devastated I couldn't see her once more today.

I wake up the next day feeling good about myself, it's around 1 pm when I decide I want to see her once more. I know I'm going ahead of myself, I mean I might not see her, it was already a miracle to see her twice in a row. Do I have feelings for her? I just really want to talk to her, her voice is probably as sweet and tender as her bright eyes. Gosh I sound like a heart-stricken teen.

I take the path I've grown to remember crossing by the endless amounts of buildings and small shops. Once on the particular street I look over at the bench to see no figure there. Disappointed, I have a slight urge to go to the bench. I sit down on the same exact spot as she did and stare out into the facade of passing cars. I'll see her another day, I can't expect her to be here everyday at this hour. I'll just keep coming until one day I see her again and then I will muster up the courage to talk to her. I grip the bench, clenching it within my fists, feeling the bottom ridge of the seat.

I feel something like rough paper. Confused, I look down under the seat to see a neat sheet of paper folded into a square taped under the seat. I carefully unstick it from its hold. I glide my finger across its rough surface to realize it's paper for drawing or a canvas for painting. I unfold its edges to reveal it to be a letter...directed to me.

Dear Jungkook,
I feel foolish for writing to you. A random stranger might find this and just toss it out
or you might just might never discover this. But this is directed to the boy with the rabbit like
smile, beautiful features, and soft brown hair. I've listened to BTS' music ever since you guys
debuted. I just hope you know that you and the rest of the members have brought an immense
smile to my face ever since. When I first noticed you across the street, I felt my internal fangirl
freak out, but I kept my ground. I didn't want to seem like a crazy sasaeng fan. I just wanted to
let you know, I am no longer apart of this world. Heck why would you care? No one cares about
me. As of today I jumped but please don't feel sorrow for me, you plenty more fans to meet.


I look up to feel tears brim my brown eyes. How could someone so beautiful so unique not be loved? But then again how could someone so foreign have such a big impact on me. (Y/N) I'm so sorry to have not saved you in time. I'm sorry to have not had the courage to speak to you. I'm sorry I couldn't be the one to save the day. If I knew you were dealing with the contemplation of suicide I would've hugged you, kissed you, tell you all of the wonderful aspects you held. I would've but I lost that chance, it might sound crazy to say I think I loved you.

A tear fell from my cheek breaking onto the paper as I thought of your beautiful I'll never see again, in the same place you sat.

Annyeong! I'M SO SORRY FOR KILLING YOU OFF! But I just thought of this off of my head and really wanted to update, I hope you liked it though.

So a while back I watched a Kdrama called 'Orange Marmalade' and i just realized Baek Ma Ri from Orange Marmalade is Seolhyun in AOA, given I didn't invest my time I didn't realize Ma Ri was in AOA but long story short I am starting to really like AOA and Seolhyun is my absolute bias.

Also I watch Jungkook Imagines on Youtube and I highly recommend a series called 'Silent Tease' and today episode 5 was posted and omg the feels, I'm in love with it.

Ok I'll leave now, annyeong! Saranghae!

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