Imagine #7- Midnight Kiss

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(First Name's) POV:

"Would you maybe mind come to my place? I'm having a party to celebrate New Year's, it starts at 8 pm but if you'd like, you can come earlier so I can show you around my house." he asked casually thinking it covered up the slight nervous tone that he held.

"Um sure why not?" I said with a genuine smile.

He smiles and hands me an envelope with what I assume is an invitation. It was decorated with a pastel lavender bow at the mouth of the envelope, lace strips at the four sides wrapping around it snug like.

"You can come anytime after 6. See you later." He smiles once more before leaving...

What (Y/N) didn't notice was the person was the person lurking close but hidden. They looked on with envy looking at the two but yet with sadness evident.

AH YOU IDIOT! Pabo! I hit my head in annoyance recalling the earlier events. I look over at the clock.. 5:32 pm. I'll go around 7.  I land on the bed still frustrated, I text my best friend Seulgi, palms sweaty.

-Hey are you going to Jungkook's party tonight?

-Of course, almost every senior in school is. Why what's up?

-Oh come on Seul! You know exactly what's up! I don't know why I even agreed to go.

-I don't know why you did either but either way you did.

-I can't believe I agreed when I've had the biggest crush on him since elementary. I'm going to make a fool of my self.

-I'm gonna mess up.

-You'll be fine, I'll be right by your side. C'mon just enjoy this. This year's almost over.

-New year. New changes. You'll be okay.

I didn't text her back, still doubting her and myself. I lie back staring at the ceiling, phone at my side, hands folded on my stomach. I heave a heavy sigh...I should be getting ready...Knowing Seulgi, because I didn't answer she will tell me she's coming over.


The ding confirms my prayers, I think in a sarcastic tone.

-I'm coming to your house in 5 to work out your problems and style choice for tonight :)

And what's exactly wrong with my style?

I hear a knock at my door not too long after and I run downstairs and let her in. We enter my room once again and I go straight into my closet, Seulgi sitting on the corner of my bed. After scouring through my clothes I find a dress I'm pleased with. Before I'm able to get out of the closet I hear her shout.

"Remember nothing too fancy or too shabby! I know your closet can't decide which!"

I roll my eyes and shake my head, coming into my room with the dress in hand.

"Well what do you think?" I hold it up in front of me.

"Well what do you think?" I hold it up in front of me

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