Imagine #13- Parenting

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A fluffier one because I feel like all of the imagines I've been writing have been filled with a lot of drama...well when I was writing.

F/N is full name!

Y/N's PoV-

"Let's pick this one!! Wait no this one's really cute too!" I shout in excitement looking through all the windows.

I tug Jungkook along into the adoption center. Some dogs were placed by the window while others are playing, sleeping or eating in wire cages all around the center. Most of the cats are sleeping, cuddled up into each other's fluffy fur. My excitement was through the roof at the thought of actually adopting a dog.

"Look at that dog! The big fluffy white one! Wait oh my god look at that cat with black patches of fur! Maybe we should get a cat!!" I yell, I mean come on these are adorable kittens and puppies, it's so hard not to feel overwhelmed.

"It's so adorable seeing you so excited. So what do you want a dog or a cat?" Jungkook coos, latching his hand onto mine.

"A snakeu!" I say purposely imitating Hoseok.

"I mean come on he doesn't even live with us, we can have a snakeu." I explain taking this joke a little farther.

"Hoseok would probably kill me for not stopping you so no."

"Then can we adopt all of the animals here?"

"As much as I wish we could, we can't."

"But it's so hard choosing only one!" I leave his side and my eyes wander of the many animals available to bring home.

"They're all so adorable..." I mutter under my breath. I barely poke fingers through the cage wiring to a sleepy cat, who sticks out his pink tongue to lightly lick at my fingers. I quickly pull my fingers out, just in case he decides to turn on me. That could've turned out way worse if I caught this cat on a bad day.

"Welcome, are you looking into investing in owning a pet today?" A friendly female worker asks Jungkook, I leave the adorable cat be and stand by his side.

"Actually we are, but we're having a little trouble choosing one."

"Oh would you like any help at all, maybe leave the selection to just a few?"

"No thank you, we're okay, we'll find you if we need to." The lady nods as she leaves to find another customer in search of help. I intertwine my fingers with Jungkook's and drag him along through the center.

"Dog or cat?" I ask him.

"I'm more of a dog person, cats are okay...but sometimes they are literally the anti-christ."

"Oh come on, some are cute."

"Yeah and some will also kill you in your sleep."


We split off to different sides of the center and focus on each animal individually to try and decide which one we want to take home. After looking at dozens of cats and dogs we both meet up again and discuss our opinions. We both didn't really find an animal that was calling to us, so we wondered if we should take our chances and check out another adoption center.

As we are about to leave we notice a dog being walked out on a leash by another employee, I immediately tap Jungkook a couple of times and he turns around. He's as entranced as I am.

 He's as entranced as I am

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2017 ⏰

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