Imagine #10- Not the One [Part 2]

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So I was thinking about keeping this as a one part Imagine but since a lot of you guys requested a second part here it is! I am so sorry it's taken so long, I've just overall had no inspiration nor have I had time to write since I started school, I also got sick with bronchitis and I felt really bad this last 2 weeks so I'm so sorry, I hope this doesn't disappoint!

Also please listen to the song above, the lyrics you will read up ahead will be of that song!

TW- Small mentions of death but nothing at all or close to major.

Y/N's PoV-
My eyes open slowly allowing the little light that there is to come in. I run my fingers along the surface of what I'm laying on. I force my body up, proping it up with my arm. My head starts pounding, so much it feels like it's throbbing. Did I drink or something? Soju? It feels like a hangover or something. I rub my eyes and take in my surroundings. I see Hoseok's jacket flung over the top of one of the seats but no Hoseok.

I check the time on my phone 7:54 am, of course he wouldn't be awake right now on a Saturday morning. I slump back down on the couch trying to trying to drift off into the peacefulness of sleep before my mind wakes up. But it's too late.


I'm lying on Hoseok's chest, the soft rise and fall of his chest is calming. His heart beats now steady after the situation had died down, they sound so relaxing...but the beautiful tranquil feeling soon turns twisted and full of sorrow. His heart beats, his breathing, the rising and falling of his chest, all too familiar with the many moments I shared with you, 정국.

I keep in the pained sobs and remain quiet, shutting my eyes, not wanting to disturb Hoseok again and having no more energy left in my body. After what feels like a few seconds, I assume Hoseok thinks I'm asleep as he gently moves his body from under me, softly placing my head and body down on the couch. A breeze passes by and comes back a few moments later and I feel a soft blanket caressing my skin. He tucks in the edges and tip toes his way out of the living room, turning off the light, and retreating into his room closing the door tightly.

That's when the tiny sobs return from my trembling body. I never believed I would be one of those girls with the wrenching heart over a boy due to a breakup, mostly because I didn't think it'd cause such a commotion, but here I am, crying over some boy who may not be worth it.

Narrator's PoV-
Little does she know that Hoseok actually didn't close the door shut for good, but opens it ajar after a few minutes and tip toes to check up on her, waiting at the end of the hallway. He hears her struggled sobs and feels the wave of guilt wash over him once more, biting the inside of his cheeks. That's it. Hoseok thinks to himself and he snaps, Jungkook's face painted utterly negative in his head.

~End of Flashback~

I refrain from crying and just let out an annoyed sigh, I can't possibly be like this forever can I? To distract myself I outline the little details from the room, following each curve and side with my eyes. After a few minutes I turn to lay on my back getting lost in the light creamy tan color of the ceiling.

"Hobi! Hobi!" Hoseok's cheerful face suddenly pops up in my view, startling me for a second but causing me to break out into a small smile at the way he says his nickname.

"I'm your hope, I'm your angel!" He proclaims in English with an obvious accent.

"Yes angel you are my hope." I roll my eyes and chuckle slightly.

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