Imagine #6- Only You

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(First Name's) POV:     ~11 years ago~

"Come on, come on (Y/N)!" Kookie yelled in excitement, grabbing my small hand within his, dragging me along.

"Wait up Kookie!" I giggle but allow him to drag me along with a smile on his face.

He halts to a stop in front of an ice cream truck. I shake him in the same excitement he had just moments ago. But my smile soon falls to a frown and he notices.

"What's the matter (Nickname)?" He tilts his head confused.

"We don't have any money to buy ice cream! And we're only 6!" I pout.

He smiles and pulls out 6000 won (roughly $5) and I stare at him in disbelief and amazement.

"Kookie where'd you get money? We don't even work yet!"

"I broke my piggy bank because I hoped to see the ice cream man so I can buy us ice cream." And runs up to the man close by without waiting for my response.

"2 vanilla ice cream cones please." He asks politely, handing the man the money and receiving our ice cream.

He hands me one and I thank him for being so sweet. We return back to the park where we were originally, we had only just arrived when Kookie saw the ice cream man. Kookie's eomma tried to stop us but failed, and just stayed watching us until we came back to the playground. We sat on the steps of the playground, my legs slightly smaller than his, swinging our feet back and forth. I lick my ice cream in delight until Kookie points at my cheek.

"You got some right there." Wiping it off with his index finger, I smile at him.

We finish with our hands only slightly sticky. We agree to play on the playground and he starts chasing me. We ran fast, chasing each other back and forth until we were tired. We soon separated as Kookie was a top of the slide and I at the stairs of the monkey bars. I begin to climb the stairs, going higher and higher, I take a deep breath and reach out my hand to grasp the horizontal bar in front of me. I repeatedly grasp the bars in front of me when I find myself in the middle dangling. I reach out for the next bar but reach for it too fast and find myself slipping. I let out a cry when I feel an impact on the floor in front of me.

Kookie comes rushing over as fast as he could. Kneeling down in front of me, looking deeply at my face.

"Quenchanayo Y/N!?" I look up at him with teary eyes and nod.

"Ne, mianhae for making you to worry." I said guilty.

"Ani, as long as you're okay, I'm okay." He said lifting me up by my hands with a small smile.

He held me up by my sides and brought me over to the stairs, I had scraped my knees. Leaving me for a moment, he ran off to his eomma before coming back with bandaids and wash cloth.

I didn't question him as he softly dabbed my knees, trying to be as gentle as possible, before drying and placing the bandaids on.

~6 years ago~

"Hey (Y/N) what do you want to be when you grow up?" Kook asked as we were laying on my bed just staring at the ceiling.

"I really like singing, maybe I could do something with that." I sigh not sure what I will do.

"Don't worry (N/N) you could be a singer, I know you'd be amazing. I know I want to be a singer. With thousands of people cheering me on, while I'm on stage. Traveling the world, doing something I love to do..." He trailed off, still staring off into his dream land of becoming famous.

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