Imagine #9- Not the One

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Note- Yay an update finally! I would've updated sooner except since I write sometimes on 3 devices. I was writing on my phone the other day because I was out and bored, and I normally don't write on my phone. But anyways it didn't sync up to my iPad and I wrote about 500-600 words and it didn't get saved so that was extremely annoying but at least there's an update now. I'm so sorry for not updating sooner! 

Also also thank you so extremely much for 2k on this story! When you guys actually like my oneshots it makes me feel happy and better about myself, I am grateful for those who like it!

Y/N's Pov-

"Hey Jungkookie do you want to come over to my house?" I ask my boyfriend who's sat next to me looking at his phone.

"Sure but only for a little while, I have to go study and my mom has really been pressuring me lately." He explains.

"No it's okay, if you have to study go study, I don't want your grades to be poorly affected because of me."

"You're such a beautiful caring girlfriend, that's why I love you." He says taking his attention away from his phone and rubbing my cheek with his thumb.

"I love you too, now go study before I whoop your ass."

"Ye Eomma." He tells me, bowing at me before grabbing his backpack, kissing my cheek gently and leaving the school premise.

That dork. I watch his figure slowly grow smaller until he finally disappears from my sight. I smile subconsciously feeling the slight tingle on my cheek subside where his lips met. I quickly come to realization I look crazy just standing in front of the school building, staring off into space with a slight smile present. Look at what that dork's done to me.

Third Person's Pov-

Having no additional plans than to hang out with Jungkook Y/N decides to go home only to drop off her backpack. On her way she drags her feet, looking down and kicking any lying pebble or rock nearby just out of habit. When she arrives she drops her backpack off on her bed, kisses her eomma hello and tells her she's going to go out for a little while.

"Okay be safe and be back by 7!" Her mom yells as she walks out the door, yelling back an okay.

She decides to go to the nearby café and grab a latte or macchiato. On her way there, one of Jungkook's friends spots her as she is texting away to a friend.

"Ya Y/N!" He yells and waves crazily across the street.

She lifts her head in the direction to see Kookie's bubbly friend smiling, he crosses the street hastily before greeting her.

"Hey Hoseok!" She greets back.

"Why aren't you hanging out with Jungkookie?" He questions.

"Oh he had to go study and I didn't want to bother him."

"Really because he's at the café down the street and he's with-" Hoseok stops himself abruptly as if he shouldn't have said something but Y/N already heard.

"He's with?" Y/N asks completely dumbfounded for his strange behavior. Did Jungkook lie to me and ditch me? She questions in her head.

"Don't feel bad Y/N he ditches me all the time to hang out with Taehyung, and he's probably just fast at studying." Trying to comfort her all the while feeling guilty, rolling his lips in habit. I'm sorry I'm not telling you. He thinks.

"See you Hoseok, I was going to go to the café anyways, bye." She says as she begins to walk once again in the opposite direction of Hoseok.

"Bye." Hoseok puffs as he walks away too.

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