Chapter 30

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After a half day sleep, Kaito woke to silence. There wasn't a sound to be heard at all. He didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

Noticing that he was alone in the room he was being held captive in, Kaito tried to think of a way to make his escape. Looking around the room, he couldn't see any cameras, so he knew he wasn't being watched.

After a few silent moments of thinking, Kaito's eyes shot open with determination. Looking up to the beam that he was tied up to, he smirked. "This is easier than I thought it would be." He spoke aloud.

Shifting his legs from their crossed over position, he placed his feet flat on the floor, and then used all of his strength to push himself up, shimmying up the beam into a standing position.

After a few tries, Kaito managed to remain standing. He could feel that the ropes wrapped around him had loosened a little, due to his previous fidgeting. On his way up, he had felt his wrists pass a hook, which felt like an upturned knife.

Taking in a deep breath, Kaito lifted his legs in order to slide down the beam and fall on his behind. He smirked when he heard the tearing sound of the rope against the hook slicing at his bounds. Kaito realised too late when the ropes were cut, and not moving his legs quick enough to steady him, he fell down hard onto his behind.
Kaito groaned to the pain, but quickly pushed the pain aside, knowing that there were important things to think about.

After untying himself, he stood and gave a quick stretch, feeling relieved to not being in that awkward position anymore. With a satisfied sigh, he looked around the room in a hope of seeing any of his belongings. Seeing nothing but mechanical equipment, computers and a tray (from where the professor had retrieved a syringe), he made his way to the door.

Wrapping his hand in his handkerchief, to not leave behind his fingerprints, he placed his now covered hand on the door handle and pushed the white door open. An echoing creaking sound filled the long empty corridor. What he saw reminded him more of a mental hospital than a laboratory.

Not bothering to close the door of the room he was previously captivated in, he made his way down the corridor. After a long way, he reached another door and attempted the handle. Seeing the door open easily, he quickly took a peek inside. Scanning the room, he noticed his phone placed on one of the tables placed in the centre of the white room.

His eyes widened with relief. He could now contact people.

As he darted into the room and reached for his phone, he suddenly froze to the sight of red sprayed over the side wall of the room. Turning slowly to look to the side of the room, his heart dropped.

Blood was sprayed all over the wall. Small dots growing into large blotches which slid down the wall and leading to a crumpled body, leant up against the wall. Kaito's eyes wavered as he saw that the body was that of the professor. Blood covered his entire form. It was a violent sight. The professor's head had been ripped off his shoulders, and was probably somewhere where Kaito couldn't see. And he preferred to not go looking for it.

Breathing in deeply, Kaito closed his eyes and turned away from the sight, unable to bare it any longer. Kaito knew what the professor had done was bad, but he didn't deserve to have that done to him. He was a confused man, that was so blinded by his work that he was destroyed by his own creation.

After a moment, Kaito retrieved his phone from the table and slipped it into his trouser pocket. He scanned the room again to see if he could see anything else that belonged to him. Not seeing anything that did, he ran out of the room, slamming the door behind him, not wanting to spend another second in that room.

Once he was back in the white walled corridor, he searched for an exit. After ten minutes of searching, climbing down stairs and going through many more doors, he heard the sound of people and the road. Feeling relief fill up inside of him, he turned to the source of life and ran to the door that he knew lead to that.

Turning a corner, he saw the door. He couldn't help but smile with happiness to seeing it. It wasn't like the other doors that lead to rooms in the laboratory. This door was made of a dark metal with two sliding bars in order to lock it. That was the source of his escape. Speeding up his pace, he ran to the door and slid the bottom and top locks away before pulling the door open.

The sight of the sun almost completely set covered Japan, and Kaito ran out of the building, not bothering to take a look at the building he was imprisoned in.

He stopped when he realised that he was lost.

Quickly pulling his phone out of his pocket, he checked to see what logs had been given or received during the hours of him being taken and now. His heart sunk when he saw how many missed calls were from Kazumi. There weren't anymore calls from Kazumi after 10PM, so he thought that maybe she had gone to sleep after that time.

The last call that was logged was from Aoko in the morning, but that was answered. Due to the time of how long the conversation, it seemed that the robot had answered Aoko's call from the laboratory and made it quick because the call lasted just over a minute. So the robot answered Aoko's call at the laboratory, ended the call and then went straight to school.

So the robot managed to answer Aoko's call, end it, and then leave in order to get to Teitan High School in time before their first class would start. With all of this rushing through his mind, he realised that he couldn't have been more than twenty minutes away from where he lives.

Quickly flicking through his contacts, he pressed the call button on one of them and place the phone to his ear. When the phone rang, he began to pace nervously. He began muttering to him self. "Come on, pick up. Pick up, please. Come on Kazumi, pick up." Hearing the phone continuously ring on and then go to voice mail, Kaito felt his heart clench tightly.

Looking back to the screen of his phone, he flicked through his contacts again but pressed the call button on a different contact before placing it again to his ear.

After a few rings, it was answered. "Hello?"

Kaito's eyes widened with joy. "Jii-chan, thank goodness. It's me, Kaito."

"Master Kaito, is there something the matter?"

"I need to ask for your help Jii-chan." Kaito spoke, almost breaking out nervously.

"Of course. What is it that you need help with?"

Kaito rubbed his eyes with his free hand. "Well, I was kidnapped last night on the way home from school by this mad professor. I managed to get out, but I need you to come and pick me up."

Kaito could hear the tension in Jii's voice when he replied. "You were kidnapped? Where are you?"

"I'll explain everything when you get here. Oh, and, have you heard from Kazumi at all?" He asked, hopefully.

"No I haven't." There was regret in his tone. "Was she kidnapped aswell?"

Kaito shook his head. "No, it was just me. But Kazumi was probably worried sick because I didn't go home last night."

The sound of a car door being opened and shut was heard from the background on Jii's end. Then was followed by the sound of an engine roaring to life. "Master Kaito, I'll be there as soon as I can." With that, he hung up, leaving Kaito to wait for him.


Author's Note : Hello.... did I make anyone cry from the last chapter? If I did, I am very sorry I hope you can forgive me. What do you think Kaito will do when he finds out about what happened to Kazumi? Tell me what you think.

* MANY KISSES * AMCDeBurgh;-) ♡ ¤ ♡ ¤ ♡

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