Chapter 9: The Choice

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A/N Herro I'm back with another update, thank you for the support! It means a lot to me!!! So, here ya go.....

Ashton's POV

She's hurt and it's all my fault. I should have known her being around me would lead to this. I didn't want to think that I would have to do this, but now I have no other option but to do it. I hope she forgives me.


"She'll be fine, just a small bruise to her lower right rib." The ER doctor said, "She just needs some rest and no extra movements for a while, this meaning walking."

"So, what about my schoolwork? If I'm not able to walk or move, I won't be able to go to school." Zaria questioned.

"We have talked it out with your school and your work will be sent to you via your buddy." I looked over at her, ever since we became closer friends she doesn't seemed phased by my "existence", as she would put it, anymore. She turned to look at me with a soft smile on her face.

"You up for that, buddy?" She tried letting out a giggle, but then cringed in pain.

"If you could sign right here, you'll be good to go. Also, for the pain I have prescribed you some medication." Zaria signed the paper and received the note, and with that the doctor left with a nod.

"I'm so glad to be getting out of here." She sighed.

"You've only been in here for 3 hours." Luke chimed in, I had forgotten he was here.

"That's 3 hours too long. Now, let's go!" I rolled around the wheelchair before she could swing her legs over the side of the bed. I can already tell that someone is gonna have to keep an eye on her, so she doesn't make things worse.


Back at the apartment

I stood in my kitchen fixing something quick for dinner, listening to Luke argue with Zaria. She apparently wants the remote, but he won't let her get up and get it. The pain killers that were given to her seems to make her have mood swings, one minute she's really sweet the next she's-


"Zaria, Luke! You okay in there?" I called out.

"Yeah, Zaria just threw a pillow at me but missed and hit your vase."

"The brown one?"

"Yeah, mate." I shook my head and smiled.

"Good, I hated that vase." I could hear Zaria laugh and make a comment about the vase.

I walked into the main area with the food, setting it down on a table. I could hear Zaria giggle quietly, just the sound of her voice brought a smile to my face, so I turned around and...

A/N Herro! I feel your hate :) it's radiating on me through my laptop, maybe I can get a tan from it.

Anyways, yeah, cliffhanger. I'm tired and didn't feel like going on, so that's also another reason why this chapter is super duper short.

Thank you for reading, probably expected a post tomorrow or the day after.

Stay awesome. LATER LOVELIES!!! :3

SHOUTOUTS (Because I'm doing that now)



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