Chapter 15: Into The Woods

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A/N Here's the update that I promised! Expect another chapter in a few days c: Just gonna say I love you guys, pls don't hurt me, I smol bean.

"What? Are they a cult or something?" I ask sarcastically.


"Wait, what?"

"Yeah, they're a type of cult. It's really confusing to explain, but there are certain groups in Japan who actually target celebrities and try killing them while they are in their locations. I guess it would be consider more of like some mafia."

"If you knew about this, then why did we even come here?"

"I didn't know. I was trying to spook you by wandering off and hiding in a room, but the room I went into was actually the place where the store all of their information and..." His voice shook, and even in the darkness I could tell he was afraid. "You know that friend I was telling you about?"

"The one that showed you to this place."

"I had helped him get into the music industry not too long before we headed over here. His family must have found out that he had connections to targets or maybe he just got popular fast, but... They killed him Zaria."

A loud bang erupted from the door, forcing Ashton and I to our feet. More bangs warned us that the door could break any moment soon. Quietly, Ashton helped me through the window that lead outside. A loud crash filled my thoughts as I scrambled for Ashton's hand, tugging him through the window. He's a lot taller than me so it took much more time for him to fit through the small window. Once his feet hit the ground he took my hand and the two of us ran off into the bamboo forest.

The crack from a gun sent me running faster than I ever had ran. More shots were fired and I could hear a group of footsteps chasing after us. If we kept going straight, then we should hit the trail. Another shot and I felt Ashton's hand slip from mine.

"Ashton!" I turned on my dim charger light and ran to him. Looking him over, another shot flew over my head sending me into a panic.

"Ow... Just-"

"I'm not leaving you, you're going to grow a pair for a moment and continue on." I took the bandana from his head and searched for the wound. I could faintly see it, but blood was beginning to seep through his hoodie on his right bicep. "This is going to hurt like crazy so just bite your hood."

"What are you-" I quickly shoved the hood into his mouth and then began to tightly tie the bandana around the wound. The gunshots had stopped, but the footsteps still continued to get closer.

"Come on, it's not your leg so we can keep running. Do you know how close we are to the trail?"

"It shouldn't take too long if we keep going straight."

"There they are!" A man's voice echoed.

"Don't move!" Another voice came from the opposite direction.

"You can just make this easier for all of us if you just surrender." Dark figures began to come out from the shadows.

I looked at Ashton and he shook his head like he had read my mind. They were armed, dangerous, and had great aim. There was only one way of getting out of a situation like this...

A/N I'M TIRED OKAY?!?! I had to make it short and painful because my kitten looked like a running wig I'm so tired. I tried fams, I tried.

You should at least be happy that no one died yet.

Did I just say yet? I meant at all... ha... haha...

Nah, I'm not that mean I pwomise. 

Anyways, chapter 16 will be a lot longer than this and hopefully be more... proper? I dunno, it'll at least be better than this one lol.

Good night and sorry for the long A/N

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