RECOVERY - an acrostic

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Recovery can apply to anything, whether it be suicide or self harm or eating disorders or addiction or anything else. This is my message to those who struggle with this. 

R- Realization: Realizing you are worth it and destroying your body won't fix anything. Realizing that the effects of what you're doing to yourself are worse than what made you start doing it in the first place. Realizing that you need to get better before things get so bad that you won't be able to. Realizing that you have issues is the first step to fixing them. 

E- Enlightenment: Enlightening yourself with better ways to cope. Write or draw your feelings out. Take the pain out on paper, not your body. Enlighten yourself with the knowledge that no matter how worthless you feel, you mean something to someone out there. 

C- Composure: It's OKAY to lose it. It's OKAY to break down once in a while. You won't have it all under control all the time. Cry and scream, lose your composure. Do whatever you need to do; it's okay, it's all part of the healing process. 

O- Optimistic: Worrying about failure and relapses won't help you. Keep an optimistic outlook. Saying "You know what? I've got this. I refuse to let this control me and my life any longer." Optimism is key. Staying optimistic gives you strength and hope. 

V- Vigorous: This won't be an easy process, keep that in mind. Recovery is a vigorous process, and it is designed to build back up the parts of your mind and soul that have been broken. It is designed to help, not hurt. The hardest and most vigorous part is staying strong and remaining hopeful, believing in your own abilities. 

E- Encouragement: You won't make it far on your own. Have close friends and family, or anyone who you trust who understands the "what" and the "why". Surround yourself with encouragement from these people and know how much these people care about you. 

R- Relapse: It's inevitably going to happen, and that's OKAY. Sometimes the pressure is too much, and the temptation becomes too strong to resist. When you relapse, do NOT consider it a failure. Consider it a lesson learned and promise to do better next time. Relapses are a normal part of the recovery process. Don't stress too much over it. 

Y- Yes: Yes, you can beat this. Yes, you can achieve complete recovery. Yes, you can take control of your life. Yes, you can. Yes, you will.

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