If You Knew

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You know that girl that sits at the table next to yours? The one you rejected?

Or the one you made fun of?

 The one you shoved against the wall for no reason?

The one who's the only person at lunch sitting by herself not talking to anyone?

If you knew how dark her past and present really is, would you be there to talk to her and help her recover, or would you walk away without another glance or second thought, like she doesn't even exist?

If you knew that terrible actions and hurtful words from people she thought she could love and trust caused her to spiral into a constant state of depression and even led her to fall as low as shredding her own skin with several razor blades, would you yell at her and criticize her every reason and move or would you take the blades away and try to convince her that those awful things people say or do shouldn't mean anything because she doesn't deserve any of it?

If you knew about her insecurities being so severe that she became addicted to shoving her fingers down her own throat to spill her stomach contents forcefully, would you call her disgusting and desperate and leave her all alone, or would you look her directly in her tear-stained eyes and tell her that she is far too beautiful to do be doing this to herself?

If you knew that all these negative things caused her to attempt several times to end her own life, would you call her stupid and scream how much of an attention-hungry coward she is, or would you take the pill bottles away and remove the noose from around her neck and tell her that she deserves better than this for herself and that no matter what others, say her life matters?

If you had known all of this about her, would you still have made the same decision, or would you have changed your mind?

Words From a Broken SoulWhere stories live. Discover now