A Lonely Girl's Christmas Wish

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You always know it's that time of year when all the stores put up their festive holiday displays, most of them displaying a happy couple spending the holiday season together. 

Some say "How cute!" I say "How Sad." What makes it so sad, you ask? Well try asking any girl who doesn't have anyone special to spend the holidays with. No man to bring home presents and flowers, no good night or good morning kisses, no cuddling with cups of hot cocoa in hand by the fireplace, no holding hands in the snow, no little velvet box in the man's pocket making her wish come true. 

It sucks. 

Keep in mind that not every girl chooses to be single; some just happen to have bad luck, bad timing, or both. While some girls wish for a fancy new car or a house with a white picket fence, other girls are quite simple. 

A lonely girl's christmas wish is to have someone to decorate the christmas tree with, someone to lift her up high enough to place the star on top, someone to hold her close to admire their work. 

A lonely girl's christmas wish is to walk through the store after store, aisle after aisle, asking his opinion about every item she picks up, and secretly gutting a special gift for each other. 

A lonely girl's Christmas wish is just to find that one special someone to spend time with so that maybe, just maybe, 

they won't have to spend another christmas alone. 

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