First magcon experience {part 1}

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Hi my name is y/n and i'm a 17 year old girl who is going to MAGCON. I can't belive i'm actually going to magcon, to meet cameron, nash, matthew, carter, taylor, and aaron. I was a big fan of them but i think you already knew that, and were going to see them tomorrow at 12 o'clock. I was so exicted, my parents were going away for the weekened so i had to go with my bff. 

~~~~~~~The next day~~~~~

I woke up at o'clock in the morning and immediately called my best friend rebeca. Before she got here i took a shower and brushed my teeth, then after i planned my outfit. Which was a black crop top tee that said 'obey' , high waisted shorts, gray long cardigan, black vans, a tattoo choker, and a batman necklace. Then when she arrived i already had put on my close, all i had to do was do my hair. I opened the door for rebeca and closed it after, she came in wearing two ducht braids, batman loose croptop, a black and white adidas tight sweatpants, and white nikes and also black lipstick. She had more of a tomboy and i had more of a tumblr style. I then went into the bathroom and straightened my hair which reached all the way down to my back dimples. yes i have back dimples. I then checked the time it was already 9 we had to go. I got in the car and grabbed our tickets and VIP passes. 

When we arrived it was already 10:53 and we had to go in the line before the line gets too long. I then sat 2 row seats, yes second row. The show started with shawn singing. Then after the performing was done i went on the line to meet the magcon boys.  First met aaron, hes so adorable the cutest thing ever. Then we moved on to nash, which was kinda akward. Then after it was carter and he was so nice we took a picture dabing, it was hilarius. Then it was taylor which was amazing, i jumped on his back and quickly took a picture. I then moved on to the most gorgeus one of them all cameron, i jumped on his back and kissed him on the cheek as cameron whispers in my ear i see matthew espinosa looking my way with a grinn. When i smiled back he chuckled, it was sweet moment. I the moved on to shawn and sang a song with him. Then i moved on to the one the only matthew espinosa, i gave him a big hug and kissed his cheek then something i would never think would happened happened, he gave me his number.

Authors Note: Hoi there, how you doing? im good thanks for asking...i don't know if you did but im just gonna asume because your another person (probably) thats behind the screen just reading the things that i post. Im so freaking random...BYE<3 LOVE YA'LL!!

\*/\*/\*/\*/\*/\*/\*/T A K I N G    R E Q U E S T S\*/\*/\*/\*/\*/\*/\*/\*/\*/

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