He reads one of your fanfictions

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I sitting on my bed with a giant bag of doritos and doing my usual daily routine reading matthew espinosa fanfictions. YAY!! . When suddenly hear the door open and i imidiatetly shut my conputer and look up at him.

-hey-what are you doing? he asked.

-NOTHING! i said really nervous.

-okay then..

-ah...i have to go! i said then walked out of the room grabbing my chips.(#sorrynotsorry)

~~~Narrator's POV~~~

As soon as y/n left the room matthew sat on the bed and opened the laptop. He went on the internet history and click th first this that popped up. Then Y/N realized she never deleted her history so she ran up the stairs and burted into the room. 

~~~Y/N's POV~~~

I went into the room and literally tackled matthew making him fall off the bed and onto the floor dropping the laptop. I tried to grab it but he grabbed my foot making me fall back down.

-what is so bad that you don't want me to see? he asked.

-nothing, could we just forget about it! i said stretching my hand to grab it.

-NO, i want to see whats on there that you don't want me to see!

He took the laptop and sat on me, well on my back to be specific. He started to giggle about 16 seconds later he puts it down and starts to uncontrollably laugh while i turn as red as a tomato from the embarresment.

-seriusly? he smiled.


-this is what you didn't want me to see?


-i though it was gonna be somthing juicy! he said winking. ;)

-no, do you not know me? 

-why didn't you want me too see this?

-because i was embarrest!

-about what? theres no shame in fangirling! (matthew espinosa 2016)


-but you seriusly like me THAT MUCH?


-i love you!

-i love you more!

-no, i love you more!

(so on and so on)

Authors Note: hui guys, wuts gud? nothing okay good! im probably guessing sense youre here, reading this...but what ever theres nothing wrong with it. Just remember to vote! You know what i was thinking about? "what?'' well im glad you asked. I was thinking about doing requests, so if ya'll want any let me know down below {it doesn't matter if youre late!} just tell me these thing (not being a creep)

*hair color/eyes


*what you want to happen in the imagine

*if you want it sweet/dirty/funny/cute 

                                                                                                  -k bye thanks for reading, Alicia M.

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