Final Line: Ohana

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Present Time

My thoughts raged like wildfire. Here I am walking down the dark streets of London at two in the morning with a cigarette between my lips. I inhale and exhale, creating a puff of smoke in the air. I continued walking, my steps keeping steady. The clacking sound of my Jimmy Choo shoes were the only echoes audible.

And then I stopped.

There he is at the far end of the street. The person I've been dying to meet. His shadow casts far and wide. Slowly, he approached coolly with style, as his shadow gradually grew closer. He stood a couple steps away, leaving an arms length between us. I puff a cloud of smoke into his face as he stared directly into my eyes, piercing through my soul. I dropped the cigarette bud and kick it sideway, my attention diverting back to the person before me.

"Hello, brother" his dark raspy voice send chills to my eardrum. "Looks like you're just as badass as I am"

I scoffed at his remark. "What do you want?"

"I want to applaud you, that's all"

"You made me come all the way here for that?"

"Of course!" He chuckled. "You done well. You made our family name proud, kookie"

"... It wasn't my decision. Now can I go?"

"Admit it. Twins think alike. That's the reason why you have twins as your best friends, didn't you? To study their behavior? And then you even managed to make the most handsome actor and boss fall in love with you?" He paused to pat my back. "And look, nobody doubted you cause of your sweet innocent angelic face"


Even in the silence of the night, a weeping sound can be heard from the corner of the wall. The person stepped out, revealing himself.

"Oh look" my twin brother pointed at the back, "We have an unwanted guest"

"... Is that all true?"

"... Wait listen" I took a step forward. My heart died a little observing the shattered expression of the other.

"You can drop your act, you bloody bastard"

"See" my older brother walked towards the familiar figure. "What did I say.. Kookie never did love you from the start"

"He's lying!"

"But I do" he brushed his lips on the other's ear.

"You asshole!" I advanced forward to throw a flying punch to my twin brother but the familiar figure defended him, pushing me harshly to the ground.

"The real asshole is you. Not him"

"No dude" my older twin tapped his shoulder twice and punched him uppercut style. "You're the asshole all along"

Taehyung laid on the cold ground with blood dripping out his mouth. He clenched his teeth, hissing in pain. My brother helped me off the ground and we both stared down piercingly at him. Out of the blue, he lets out a maniacal laugh. "You fools" he laughed even louder and louder, his evil expression becoming apparent. "It took you long enough"

"Shut up" my brother punched his stomach causing him to vomit blood. "Shall I do the storytelling or should you?" He bend down to level with Taehyung. "Aww you know what? You look so pathetic right now. Let me do it" he tapped his cheeks twice and harshly pushed it to the side, I could hear his bones crack. He stood up to spill the entire truth.

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