A Brand New Sister

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Dear Samantha,

We've never met, but I just wanted to start by saying that I'm a huge fan of yours, and since the background check turned up your home address, I thought it would nice if I introduced myself.

My name is Alice – I'm medium height, medium build, with sandy, medium-length hair. If you saw me in a crowd...well, you wouldn't see me in a crowd, that's kind of the point; hypothetically, if you saw me in a crowd, you would probably say that I looked "nice," "kind," or some variation of either.

"Alice, you've got kind eyes."

"Alice, you're such a nice girl."

"Alice, how has such a nice, kind girl like you managed to stay single for so long?"

That sort of thing.

Sorry, I'm getting off track – this letter is supposed to be about you, and how much you mean to me.

Take last week for example, I saw you in the park walking your dog, and I was like,

"How does she do it?"

"How does she do everything so effortlessly?"

The way you move across the path like it was your stage; the way you smile that beautiful, little smile of yours at absolutely everyone; even the way you hold Silver's leash, just tight enough to keep him under control, but not so tight that you might hurt the poor fellow.

I'm taking acting classes now, I think they're really going to help when the time comes.

How is Silver anyway? I just love that dog! I ordered fifty pounds of his favorite kibble off of Amazon this morning, I thought about bringing it over myself, but I didn't want to startle you prematurely, so I just had them ship it. It should be arriving any day now.

Not to sound all judgey, but you might consider buying him a new water dish soon. I took a look at it last night while I was letting him get used to my scent, and noticed it's starting to get a bit ratty.

Oh! Before I forget, I went to see that hairdresser of yours. I gave her a Polaroid of you that I took a few weeks back. Polaroid, I know... I can be so silly sometimes.

Anyway, I asked her if she could give me a cut just like yours. She didn't want to do it at first, thought it was creepy, but when I told her that we were sisters, she completely understood.

She said I should try back again in a month or so, when my hair grows out a little.

I can't wait!

Speaking of waits, our wait is almost over!

The judge says that the name change should go through any day now. At first he asked me all sorts of questions and wanted to see a Marriage certificate, but I was able to make him see reason, who is he to tell a grown woman what she's allowed to change her last name to?

Once that's squared away, I think I'm going to come see you in person.

It'll be perfect, after all this time, we'll finally be real sisters!

I promise you, it will all be worth it.

Yours in the shadows,


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