A Little, Blue Bird

126 16 5

(Written as a part of April's National Poetry Writing Month)

There once was a bird who owned the world.

A bird?

A bird, a very blue bird.

A bird, a bird that owned the world?

A very blue bird that owned the world.

What world?

A world, of grass and green, of streams and sky and no machines.

It seems...

It seems?

It seems, a dream, this beautiful place of grass and green. My world...

Your world?

Was once a place, of copper sun and amber grace.

But now?

Has lost its amber fields, is now a place of oil and steel.

But why?

You ask as if I know.

But why?

It happened long ago.

But why?

Our bird...

Your bird?

Is gone, and all that's left is your sad song! And all that's left is your sad course, a dose of pain of cold remorse – a drought of sweetened, sad decay, to toast our bird who flew away.   

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