Computer Troubles at Ashfert Partners

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(Disclaimer - While there is nothing at all in here that should earn the story more than a PG-13 rating, as Ira Glass would say, "this story does acknowledge the existence of sex.")

"I think my computer is broken."


"And I need some help fixing it."

"Sounds like you might, what's wrong?"

"It won't turn on."

"That does seem like a problem. Have you tried the power button?"

"Of cours...Yes, I've tried the power button. If the power button worked, do you think I would have called you?"

"You might have. How am I supposed to know what you would do? The world is a complicated place, man."

"How... philosophical of you. I didn't catch your name."

"Because I didn't throw it."




"My name is Harrison."

"Well Harrison, do you think you can help me with my computer or not?"

"That's not really fair."

"What isn't fair?"

"I told you my name on good faith, and figured you would return the favor. It seems a little silly that you can call me Harrison, while I have to call you, 'that guy with the broken computer' all night."


"Nice name."

"Thanks, my mother gave it too me."

"And a joke too, we might just figure this thing out after all. So Alec, what kind of computer do you have?"

"A LV 5600 Pantheon Series."

"So you're one of those, are you?"

"One of what?"

"A rich guy. The only people I know who buy LVs, are either rich or too stupid to realize that you can build a computer twice as powerful for half the price."

"I guess it's nice that you don't think I'm stupid..."

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