chapter 7

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I can't believe Louis just did that. I Had many scars  of the beatings  used to get and i used to cut my stomach with a pushpin, and i had many bruises along my tummy and lower chest area. "You-you, You BITCH! ASSWHOLE!!! GODDANGIT YOU JUST HAD TO DO THAT!!!!  Noone was supposed to know!!!! NOONE!!!!!!!!" I grabbed the towel and wrapped it around me again and grabbed my pads and clothes. I ran upstairs and slammed my door shut. I put on the boxers which fit loosely around my waist and put the t-shirt on along with the sweats. I walked to Zayn's room and used his hairbrush. After that i went to Nialls room and cuddled up with him. He was already asleep so i snuggled closer. Hopefully he wont mind. I soon drifted into a deep sleep.


I felt the bed dip allitle and opened my eyes. I saw Shey sleeping with me. When did she get there? Her lips were slightly parted and her dark brown hair was messily in a bun ontop of her head. her hand held onto my pinkey. I really wanted to kiss her. just a peck. im so tempted. I hope she wont notice. I slowely leaned in and pecked her lips. She didnt budge. i kissed her 1 more time, then she woke up. 

"What were you doing, Ni?" She asked. "Um, staring at you." "Ni, Dont lie." "I wa- Fine. I kissed you. once. ONCE!" I said, and held up a finger. "Well, I wouldnt mind if i kissed your lips twice, or three times. maybe more." She said, while leaning in and softly kissing my lips. soon it turned into a makeout session and she was ontop of me and was pulling lightly on my hair. 


What am i doing?!?!?!/! I cant do this. And I wont. I quickly pulled away. "Ni, I cant do this. I only came in here cuz' i wanted to cuddle. I havent cuddled in a long time. and no, I cant go out with you. Im sorry, But i'll tell you about that when im ready. " I said. i got off from him and kissed his forehead. "Im hungry, im gunna eat. see you, Ni. Oh, By the way, dont tell anyone that happened, okay?" I said and attempted to wink, but ended up shutting both my eyes. Niall was laughing at me. Oh, Nialler. 

I went down stairs and found Louis sitting on the counter. I walked passed him and grabbed a bowl and poured cereal into it. I then put milk then grabbed a spoon and ate it in the living room. I sat next to Liam, But he moved away when i put my cereal in my lap. "What?" I asked. "Sp-sp-sp-sp-sp-spo-spoon." he said. Oh, so he doesnt like spoons, huh? I licked my spoon clean and took it closer to him.  I chased him upstairs and he locked himself in the bathroom. I shoved the spoon under the door, and i heard a girly scream from him. I tried to open the door but he didnt let me. "I'll huff, and i'll puff, and i'll kick this door down!" I yelled to him. he still didnt unlock it. I stepped beck a few and kicked the door open while yelling, "NINJA!!!!" Liam stood on the toilet. "Hop On, Liam." I said, offering him a piggy back ride. "No, Im to he-" "Shut up and get on or ill lock you in a closet with spoons!" He quickly got on. He wasnt that heavy and i carried him all the way to the living room. I set him down on the couch.

 "Can we play tag?" "Yeah!" he said. I went and got Harry, Niall, And Zayn to play tag. Louis was in his room. he still hasnt apolagized. "Not it!" I yelled. "Not it" Niall said. "Not it! " Zayn said. "Not it!" Liam said. "IT NOT!" Harry said. "YOUR IT!" Me and the boys yelled, while running away from him. I ran upstairs and he was onto me. I kept laughing and i reached the top of the stair case. "Hahah!! You cant ca-AAAHHH!!!" I bumped into someone and thrashed down the stairs, bringing Harry along.


Who did she bump into?!?!?!? -xoxo Sheyla

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