chapter 14

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I  finally found Shey's house! when a guy opened the door, i was pissed. I walked in and saw Shey on the floor. "who's the boy?" I asked, motioning toward the striped guy.

"He's my b-boyfriend."

"Is he? IS HE?!?!?!?" "Yeah, why would you care?" "Because, Im your ex boyfriend!" "Exactly. ex. EX! You are my ex. we are done. we've been done!!!!" "But i want you!" "What are you going to do? What will you do if i go back. eh? WHAT?!?!?! Hurt me? Beat me because i didnt want to lose my virginity to you?? Harass me because i didnt want to kiss you??? Yeah, exactly what you used to do. You know, Its happening again? Im already getting fucking beat up because i didnt want to kiss. already being thrown at walls because i didnt want sex! My fucking legs are paralyzed! PARALYZED! You know, I dont even know you anymore. I fucking hate you. you know that???" "I know. but you cant have another boyfriend if its not me!" "What? are you jealous? Huh? Tell me, are you jealous?" "No! " "Lets take a look. Lou, come here, babe." She said, emphazising Babe. stripes came and knelt down beside her. "Kiss me." She roughly pulled him towards her and began having a snogging session infront of me. 

when they parted, i was pissed. REAL pissed. i walked out of that house and was headed back home, when i saw some drunk guy with a gun. I got in my car and started home. the drunken guy was following me, and soon the gun was shot straight at me, and i died. (a/n Just to get him out of this story xD ).


"Lou, sorry he came. i didnt know he was going to find me. im so-" "Shey, do you fancy me?" "I, honestly, do. BUT, I dont date anymore after, Tyler. I'm scared it'll happen again." "It wont." "It already has, Lou! Harry is reapeting what Tyler did to me." i said. "Give me a chance, Shey. I will do anything." "I dont WANT you to do anything for me." "But i really like you!" "And i really like you!! and Niall! and Zayn! And Liam! I just have to wait and see who treats me with respect." "You know, I thought you were the dark kinda girl who was always quiet, never loud, emo, and disrespectful. But if you get to know you better, your really fun and happy, and all smiley. and giggly. and very loud." "Um, Thanks." I said. 

I laid on the floor when Niall comes and lays beside me. "Hi Ni." "Hi Shey. To make you feel not alone, im going to act as if my legs were paralyzed, too." "Thats real sweet Ni, But im okay." "But im doing it either way." "Alright." 

so here i am, with Niall beside me, on the floor.  soon I noticed Niall had fallen asleep, while hugging my arm. I soon decided i needed a nap, and soon dozed off while laying on Nialls tummy.


so, and new ship names? i think i will ship shiall and shiam, but then again theres shouis. idk, y'all decide? lol update tomorrow around 4: 30 hopefully. bye ily guyss -xoxo sheyla

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