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Hello again I had chosen to do Pearl
Because sometimes she can have more salt than Classic Lays
Lol so here it is
It's been two weeks since you and Garnet have been together.
But Pearl seemed to act weird whenever you talked to her or was around her.
But what you didn't know was that she had developed a crush on you, but whenever you talked to her Garnet seemed to be eyeing both of you. You just shrugged it off tho but Garnet however was always hugging you and kissing you more and more when Pearl was around.
You thought it was just normal Garnet being affectionate.
But you had never thought it would be out of jealousy.
One day you and Pearl were on a mission.
You two were searching for currupted gems in the Kindergarten.
Then Pearl had said something that caught your attention.
"Um ______?" "Yes Pearl." at that moment you two had stopped to take a break.
"There's this gem I've got feelings for but I'm not sure how to approach them." You looked at her and said "If you've got true feeling for someone than you can just tell them.".
"Well I kinda like you ______." "Pearl I'm not sure that's a good idea. You know that I'm with Garnet." Pearl looked down at the ground and started to sob a little.
"Pearl don't cry." "Why would you care nobody cares for me. It was the same way with Rose." you hugged her tightly "Pearl I'm sure there's someone out there for you."
You tilted her head up and wiped her tears away but that moment she leaned forward and pressed her lips with yours.
Not two seconds after the kiss you heard someone clear their throut, you turned to see Garnet standing one yard away from you.
You stood up quickly and opened your mouth to speak but you were cut off by Garnet.
"Well if you are done kissing other gems now I'll be at the house." you could tell that was Ruby talking.
You chased after her but she already warped home you then warped home yourself 'How am I going to explain this' you thought.
You were at the house and asked Steven where Garnet was he pointed to the room door.
You knocked on the door expecting to see Garnet but instead you saw Ruby and Sapphire standing there.
"What do you want?" Ruby asked irritated by your presence "I came to say I was sorry fo--" you were cut off by someone pulling you into the room.
"You've got one chance to explain and it better be good. Or you might lose a girlfriend." Ruby explained.
"Pearl and I were walking in the Kindergarten and we decided to take a break. Then she told me she liked me I told her that I'm with Garnet and she started to cry. I was comforting her and she kissed me then Garnet appeared out of nowhere. And know I'm talking to you two." you explained.
"So Pearl kissed you." Sapphire pointed out Ruby was steaming with anger "I'm gonna teach her not to kiss what's not hers." Ruby said summoning her gauntlets.
"Ruby calm down." Sapphire said Ruby turned around and glared at Sapphire "Calm down! Calm down! Pearl just kissed our Boyfriend/Girlfriend. Aren't you mad." "Of course I am but we need to stay calm and not do anything harsh." Sapphire said calmly.
"Sapphire you just don---" you cut her off by pressing your lips against hers it was hot at first but then it cooled down and she returned the kiss. You were the one who broke the kiss do to second degree burns on your lips "Oh my gosh are you ok." Ruby said completely worried.
"Oh I'm fine." You said until another pair of lips met yours they were soft and cold.
The kiss lasted about four seconds until Sapphire broke it "Is that better?" she asked you nodded "Hey no fair she got more time than me." Ruby said crossing her arms.
You giggled at her statement And kissed her roughly and slightly slid your tongue into her mouth which caused her to moan softly.
You two broke apart with a string of saliva between you two. You then turned to Sapphire and did the same this time the kiss was soft.
Ruby and Sapphire then kissed each other and fused into Garnet "Nice to have my girlfriend back." you said then kissed her for about ten seconds you two broke apart with a thick string of saliva between you two.
Garnet layed down on the bed and patted the spot next to her.
You layed next to her and she wrapped her arms around you.


kay my readers that was the Jealousy chapter hoped you liked but now I've got to ask you do you want some lemon in the book or nah.
Put your options in the comments and I'll get back to you on that.

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