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Sorry I haven't updated in a while I was just binge reading some 5H/You.
I think i need help anyway onto the tale.

Your POV
I love these guys they're my family, they're my home."Well now that I'm back I need to do something for worrying everybody but what. I got it a sports competition." both Ruby and Sapphire looked at me like I was crazy.


Love I don't think that's a good idea." Sapphire said "Why not?" it was silent for a while.
"We think you might need to go into anger management or something before we play any sports with you." Sapphire said.
"Oh anger management. NAME ONE TIME THAT I HAD ANGER PROBLEMS!!" I yelled flipping over the table.

"Ok I may have overreacted." I said "Just a bit." Ruby said. I now damn well that Ruby isn't talking. "Well what about Ruby?" I asked Sapphire looked at Ruby and smiles.

"You're going too Ruby." Sapphire said I started to laugh.
"Shut up." Ruby said "Whatever I'm gonna tell them to get ready." I said starting to walk out the door until Sapphire stopped me.
"Did you not hear what I said?" She asked I nodded and replied with "I heard you just chose not to listen." then walked past her while I started to tell the others I noticed something that took my attention when I was getting Pearl from her room she was talking to herself so I decided to listen.

"Why did he/she have to choose Garnet?" must be talking about me "I always feel so lonely with someone being there with me I'm so pathetic and weak by myself." then she starts crying I stepped into the room and she turned towards me and wipes her tears away.

"(Name) I didn't notice you walked in what do you need?" I sighed and walked over towards her and hugged her at that moment she broke down and cried hard "Tell me what's wrong Pearl." I said smiling.

She told me about how she feels about me and what Garnet did. "It's ok Pearl I'll protect you." I said "You mean it?" she asked sitting up looking into my eyes and closed her eyes and started to lean in I did the same and we both met in the middle for a passionate kiss.

I layed her down on the floor and started to kiss her neck she was moaning in pleasure and I lifted her up and placed her on the bed. Then I ran my hands up her shirt and massaged her breasts "Yes (Name) right there" she moaned out in pleasure I lifted her shirt up and took it off and started to suck on her neck.

(Ten Lustful Minutes Later 🕦)

We were both panting and sweating in bed naked after a few seconds Pearl fell asleep beside me and I got up and left to play Baseball with the others they were all at the barn where I told them to meet me.

"Hey where were you we've been here for 10 minutes." Ruby asked Oh God think of a lie quick "Pearl and I went on a mission" 'Nice one brain' 'Thank You'. "Well where is she?" Steven asked Damnit think fast "She got injured and can't walk at the moment." I replied 'Cause I put in work.'

So let's pick teams

Vote Time
Who do you want on your team?
Pick any 3 people/Gems
Steven is Team Captain
You are Team Captain

Have fun with the thought of you and Pearl.

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