Chapter 5

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(A/N ~yet again another milestone!! But to me this one is huge! 70 views on this book!!!!! How almost to 100 which I can't even comprehend (cuz I'm a stupid dork) anyways thanks for all the votes too! I really appreciate all of you guys for doing this.)

Marks P.O.V
"I...I think....." she said. I didn't know what she was going to say but I had the sudden urge to kiss her at this very moment. But I didn't want her to reject me. "I think I love you." She said I wanted to scream from all this static energy running through my body at the moment she said that. I didn't know what to say after she said that.
I just leaned in a kissed her on her forehead. So that way it wasn't to serious, she started blushing and tried to hide her face. I said "Dont hide from me, I think your beautiful even when you blush." She blushed even harder and looked up at me, she took her hands away from her face and looked straight at me. I released her out of my arms as we were slightly hugging each other. Her eyes were glassy, sparkling in the sunlight. I was surprised there was even sunlight after all the snow that has came down. She sat on the couch and asked if she can watch some television. I said, "You don't have to ask me just to eat h some T.V. in fact don't ask me at all because I will always say yes." She smiled at me and turned on the T.V.

Y/N's P.O.V.
Your so glad that you got what you said earlier out of the way. It feels like the world is off of your shoulders now, You were surprised that Mark didn't reject yous and think you were crazy. Since there was nothing on to watch on the T.V. you sat on the ledge by the window and looks at the snow sparkling in the mid day sunlight. Mark surprisingly came up behind you and put his chin on your shoulder.

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