Chapter 6

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(A/N~OH MY GOD 90 VIEWS!!! That's only 10 away from 100!! Yeah I know that basically sounded like I was retarded.)

Y/N's P.O.V
Mark asked you, "Its beautiful how it shines, but there's a little too much of it." You shook your head in agreement. Mark said, "I want to show you something!" He grabbed your hand and pulled you to a mysterious room. He said, "This is my recording room!" You smiled widely and walked in without permission. He laughed a little and said, "I'm guessed your amazed." Your shook your head yes and asked, "can I sit in your gaming chair." He nodded yes. You sat down in the chair a. , look at the red, glowing, keyboard that went with his large black and grey computer. The chair you were sitting violently spanned around. You then felt something on your lips, You opened your eyes (cause they were closed before) and saw Mark kissing your lips. You kissed him back and he groaned a little. After about three seconds he separated the kiss and your face was a s red as a tomato. You were surprised that Mark was blushing lightly. He started to scratch his head and said, "Hehe, sorry I couldn't resist. You looked so cute there in amazement just from a computer and keyboard." He gigked a little as you did to. You got up from the chair and kissed Mark on the cheek, to tell him you weren't nervous to kiss him again. You walked out of the room and went to the bathroom. Mark just stood in the room before you entered the bathroom. You looked in the mirror and saw how red your face was, You silently gasped and put some cold water on your face. You looks back into the mirror and saw that your face was still slightly pink. You didn't care if it was slightly pink, so you walked out and saw Mark sitting on the couch. You thought to yourself 'he looks so cute sitting there looking out the window'.

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