Chapter 8

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         Y/N's P.O.V.
He placed you on his bed and separated the kiss, He hover above you blushing. You silently giggled and pushed your fingers through his hair. He did the same, He passionately kissed you and got up from the bed. You didn't want that to end but you knew if you two continued it would go to far and you would crave for more.

              Mark's P.O.V.
I had to stop the moment, sadly. It would have gone to far if one of is didn't do it. I didn't want it to go that far, I wanted it to stay passionate. She got up from the bed and wrapped her arms around me from the back. I turned around and hugged her in return. She let go and walked out of the room. It was kind of awkward. For the next 6 or 5 minutes it was complete awkward silence. I wanted to break the silence but I had no clue on what to say to do so. I got IP from the couch and went to my recording room to think things over, and to record a video since I am behind. Almost all of my fans wanted me to play Amnesia costume stories, so I did. "Hello everybody my name is Markiplier and welcome back to Amnesia, today we are going to do 1 or 2 costume stories. It depends on how long the first one is. So let's get to it, I know you all have been asking for this. So I won't keep you waiting." I searched for a costume story, and found the perfect one named, "The Night You Won't Forget" it seemed interesting enough so I click on it, it was highly rated so I played it. As soon I started playing it I knew this was going to be more than one video length wise. The back story seemed relatable almost from what I when been through. I shrugged it off and started playing. At the end of the game I was absolutely terrified. I never knew one costume story could be so damn long and so damn scary all at once. "Thats the end of this episode of "The Night You Won't Forget". Thank you all so much for watching, and I'll see yoouuu.... in the next video, BUH-BYEEEE!" I clicked the stop recording button and sat back in my chair. I looked at the doorway and jumped, I didn't know y/n was there. I asked, "How long were you even standing there for?" She said, "Ever since you selected that costume story." "I've never seen you that scared before." She said kind of sassy. "Well, it was a good costume story." I said. He shook her head and looked down at the floor, she started giggling lightly. I was so cute I couldn't help but to giggle with her. I never that one little giggle could bring so much joy to my world. I don't think her laugh ever made me feel bad.

That's the end of this chapter hope your enjoyed it!

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