Mission of sorts!

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I was brought to a room where I was told I can rest for a while. It was ok I suppose. It wasn’t a permanent room though. Hanging on  my hip was my favourate sword. Black it was and covered in sliver lines. I smiled at it. I morphed my clothes again and I was in a slim leather suit. I was told I could meet the rest of my team later. I lay down on the bed and slept!

I opened my eyes and stood up as someone knocked on my door.

''Come in!'' I said sleepily. In walked an agent and they stood in my doorway back straight almost saluting me.

''Direvtor fury would like to see you now!'' she said. I nodded and followed her to where I was supposed to be. I sighed slightly as I entered a board room where two men where yelling.

One of the men was director fury while another was a man I had never met before. Bathed in playboy clothes and topped off like an ice cream with black shades. I crossed my arms and looked at Fury. Fury met my gaze.

''Slepp well, Bella?'' he said. He didnt sound like he actually cared though. I shrugged.

''You could call it that!'' I said. The other man that was shouting clapped his hands and walked over to me.

''I like her already!'' he said to fury and then smiled at me. He put out his hand.

''Im tOny otherwise known as Iron man!'' he took off his shades and winked then placed them back on.

''You dont look like a metal man!'' I said one eyebrow raised. Tony took back his hand and frowned.

''No,honey! I am not a metal man..!' he was stopepd by Fury.

''Thats enough Stark!'' he said not amussed. Tony rolled his eyes.

''Whats enough Fury?'' he asked the hattred in his voice.

''The girl does not need to hear about you she is here for different things!'' he said in the same tone. Natasha walked in and smiled briefly at me before she whispered something to Fury.

''Very well! Yes bring the rest of them in!'' he said to her not whispering. She nodded and left the room a moment later returning with My father a man wearing glasses brown trousers and a scruffy looking suit jacket and shirt! Beside him was another man with beautiful blonde hair and very well built. They walked in and sat down on a chair. I reluctantly did aswell and looked at Fury.

As soon as everyone was introduced Fury wanted Silence!

‘’Ok so does anyone know why your here’’ asked Fury. I was about to speak when My father shot me a glance. He knew  that I was going to say something rude.

I burrowed my eyes.

‘’ Loki has escaped from Asgard’’ said Fury. How were we supposed to react to that.

‘’He is hiding any idea why’’ asked Fury. He looked at me.

‘’Dont ask me, Im not related to him’’ I said. Fury sighed and looked at Thor.

‘’Loki wouldn’t have come back for no reason, and if he has come back for something he will cause very little attention to himself’’ said Thor. I sighed and nodded. It seemed like sense.

‘’Fine for now, but we have to watch, we cant have him wandering around, for now I need something’’ said Fury. Tony sat forward as in the party had only started.

‘’What do you need’’ he asked. I sat further back in the chair.

‘’ A hard drive was stolen from us, we need it back, so I will pick the best people for this’’ he said. Fury looked at me and I knew it wasn’t going to end well.

‘’Would you care to accompany Captain on this’’ he asked me.

‘’As you wish’’ I said. A tablet was passed down to me and I looked at it. There was the picture of what we needed. Why did he need it?

This is well I get a bad feeling about this.

‘’ Can I go too’’ asked Natasha. I didn’t look at her as something clicked in my mind. This was no hard drive it was a program.

‘’Anything else you can tell us about this?’’ I asked Fury looked at me and shook his head.

‘’You know all I know’’ he said. I knew he was lying!

I sighed and decided that it was for the best!

‘’Go get ready bella’’ said Thor. I nodded and walked out of the room.

I walked down to my room and looked at myself in the mirror!

I morphed my clothes and I was in a black lather suit. I grabbed a belt and strapped it around my waist. I put inside it a knife and a sword. There was also a gun in my room so I added that. I sighed and looked at my hair. It was longer than my shoulders and it hung in loose curls. I brushed it and put it into a fishtail plate. It was a side fishtail so it hung on my shoulder.

I looked at myself one last time before I left.

I walked back to the board room and there was tony. Just him. I frowned.

‘’You know thats a program not a hard drive’’ I said. To him. He nodded.

‘’Yes I know, You know Fury keeps secrets’’ he said. I nodded recalling what Thor had told me. After he and Loki had returned to Asgard he told me all about the tesseract. I knew it anyway but he also said that Fury wanted to build a weapon  because of him. I had laughed as he said it. We laughed together and it just made me feel weird inside after a while.

‘’yes’’ I said he looked me up and down.

‘’Well ,squirt I have to say you look the part’’ he said. I blushed and smiled brightly.

‘’They are waiting for you’’ he said. I smiled again and walked out of the room.

I walked up some metal stairs and onto the platform. Thor was there and Natasha and the captain were inside.

‘’I will see you soon’’ I whispered to him before I boarded the plaine. I sat on the seat and sighed as  the doors closed and the plane took off.


I know its not that long so I will update soon and I can promise that!

I hope you liked the update though! What did you think?

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