The cube

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You could hear the door burst open, forcefully. I held my breathe as I stood behind a corner, hoping I wouldnt be noticed. There was no question of will we get out?

It was we have to get out. I sunk back behind the safety of the wall as I heard feet approach. There weren't as in tune as outside. They were quiet and trying not to be noticed.

But who was I kidding I was asgardian! I had perfect hearing.

Natasha looked at Captain.

When the noise dyed down a bit, which meant the men where not near us I held my breathe as Natasha put her hand on the top of the cube and gently secured her fingers on it.

I got ready to run, cause the second she pulls it out, we run!

She pulled it off quickly, but A red light flashed as well as a warning bell. I ran like anything out the door and kept running as Natasha and Captain followed. They soon caught up to me.

''Faster!''' said Captain as you could hear men yell commands and a siren go off. Whatever was on that program must be huge.

''Im trying!'' I yelled at him over the noise. Men s feet were once again in tune and you could hear them coming after us.

Captain grabbed my hand and pulled me down a new way. I gasped but followed, trying to keep up with the mans long strides.

Natasha followed beside me as we ran through this big building trying not to be caught.

''Remember you are allowed use whatever force necessary!'' she said to me.

I kept that in mind and ran with them until we reached a dead end. At the sides were shelves with boxes. I heard two mens feet and then I turned around as the other two tried to figure out what next.

There standing there was two men, in Army uniform and guns pointed at us.

''Hand it over!'' said one man.

I gulped and tapped captain.

Captain turned around and made an o shape with his mouth.

I could see he was thinking, whereas Natasha just discreetly handed me the cube and walked over to the men.

''Afraid that cannot be done!'' she said. Before they could shoot her, they were on the ground dead as she held her gun pointed at them

Wow she was fast. I grinned and dragged their bodies behind some boxes.

I handed Natasha back the cube.

''Thanks'' she said and twirl led it in her fingers.

''What do we do now? We are cornered in here there is no way out!'' I said to them.

Natasha looked up at me quickly. She snorted and rolled her eyes.

''Thats a joke? Right?'' she said to me.

''Why would I joke, at a moment like this?'' I said angry.

I wouldn't joke, well definitely not now!
I sighed.

''We will have to sneak by them!'' she said in a whisper as I was pushed back against the wall so the people that walked by didnt see us.

The siren was still going and a red light flashed around the place, how the hell can we sneak by?

''You are wondering how we can do it?'' she asked. I nodded.

It seemed quiet for a while like no one else was going to go by.

''We do it now!'' she said in a whisper and peeped around the corner before she ran.

I ran after her and then people were following us and I could hear te fire of guns. I dodged the bullets and Natasha fumbled with the door. Captain kicked it open and she nodded thankfully before we ran out into the open air.

We had gotten out. I starred in disbelief, maybe I needed to trust them more often.

Our little moment didn't last long, because now men in army suits and loaded with guns circled us.

I gulped.

''How do you suppose we get out now?'' I said to her.

She smirked and looked at the man who stepped forward.

''Drop the cube!'' he said an waved his gun. I sighed.

Did he expect that to be intimidating.

''I dont think so'' she said and gripped onto the cube tighter.

''I am authorized to shoot you!'' he said and his gun clicked as he got ready to shoot us.

It was like a game of domino's, the rest of the guns clicked.

I looked to the sky as wind blew and I could see two lights. The helicopter we had rode in was flying above us.

Without hesitation I gave a glance at them and jumped up in the air and landed inside the helicopter.

The pilot turned to me.

''Oh, you survived your little fall?'' he said and smirked. I smiled and sat down as I waited for the others.

I looked down and saw that they might need some help. I threw down the ladder and they both clung on as the helicopter flew. I faintly heard some shots fired and then I helped pull up the ladder. Natasha jumped up and smiled.

''Thanks'' she said and placed the cube in a container and placed it safely in a safe.

I wondered what was on that program. I shook off the feeling and looked at Captain.

''What happened down there?''

He looked at me.

''Well they were confused as how you could do that then the ladder came'' he said simply. I nodded and looked at the cube.

''Do you know what the program is about?'' I said as I touched the glass. 

''No, Fury does'' said Natasha. I nodded and sat down again.

Within a few minutes we were back on the helicarrier and I walked off of the platform and inside following Natasha.

We walked through doors and then reached the board room where Fury sat waiting for us.

Natasha placed the cube on the table and Fury looked up at her.

He was starring at nothing but now he had his attention on her.

''Thank you'' he said quietly before coming out of whatever daze he was in and stood up. He placed his hand behind his back.

''Was it easy to get this?'' he said and motioned towards the cube.

I scoffed.

''Easy? No!''

He flickered his eyes to me.

''And what? Made it so hard?'' he said and raised an eyebrow.

I pursed my lips. The fact we were nearly killed! I wanted to yell at him. I clenched my fists and let go. I smiled at him.

''Well, you know, the fact that we were nearly not so successful!'' I said calmly.

He turned back to Natasha.

''Thank you agent'' he said and took the cube with him before he left. 

I sighed.

''Hes very appreciative!'' I said quietly and turned to leave.

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