Loki pays a visit

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I stood in the training room with Natasha as we waited for Clint.

I held the paper in my hand awkwardly. I blames Fury for this!

I didn't want to be an agent for S.H.I.E.L.D and I didn't want to be an avenger either.

I sighed and placed the paper on the table.

''Have you ever trained before?'' asked Natasha. I turned to her.

''Yes, I have'' I replied.

I had too, on Asgard with Sif.

Natasha  nodded and then Clint walked in.

''Okay, Rookie'' he said and smirked.

''You ready for this?'' he asked Mockingly. I smiled slightly.

''Of course I am!'' I said and waited for him to tell me what I had to do.

''Okay, fist off a warm up'' he said.

''Start jogging'' said Natasha as they both stood back against the wall.

I stared at them both. ''I don't need to warm up''

They both looked at me and then Clint shrugged. ''Your funneral'' he said and stood in the middle of the sparing mat. I walked over and stood there too.

I raised both my hands, fists clenched as I prepared for him to attack.

He smiled and aimed a punch at me. In that time I spun around on my heel grabbed his arm twisted it and flipped him. He lay on the ground staring wide eyed at the ceiling and groaned.

I smiled. 

''Looks like its not my funeral after all'' He grabbed my leg and pulled me down with him, then he pinned me to the ground and held a firm grip on my arms.

''You might want to think again'' he said and smirked.

I kneed him in the stomach which made him cringe and then I pushed him off of me and he went flying into the wall.

''You sure about that?'' I said. I felt someone twist my kick my legs and my legs buckled as I fell to the ground. Natasha smirked.

''Might want to watch it Bella'' she said. I jumped back up grabbed her hair and was about to smash her head against the wall when someone yelled 

''STOP!'' yelled Fury.

I let go of her and looked at him. Both Clint and Natasha picked their selves up off of the floor.

''I don't know what you would call this! It is not Training!'' he said and put his hands on his hips.

''Sorry, sir'' said Clint who brushed down his arms.

''Thats enough for today'' he said to us all.

I nodded. I was glad to get out of here. Maybe if I acted like this the whole times this would just keep happening and I would get out of it.

''I think you all  need a break, or something'' Fury sighed.

''Meet me in the meeting room in twenty minutes'' he said and turned to leave.

I smiled at the two of them after he left.

''Well, maybe we were wrong, maybe you do have some training'' Clint smiled.

I nodded. ''Thank you, so do I get some respect for that?'' I smiled and went across the room where bottles of water lay. I picked up one and took a sip.

''Of course'' said Natasha.

''Well, see you in twenty minutes'' said Clint and walked off.

''Bye'' said Natasha. She smiled before she walked off.

I took the drink with me and walked out of the training room.

I walked down the hall and thought to myself as I did.

I had a good few minutes to kill, I my swell find something good to do.

I walked into my room and nearly screamed when I saw a familiar face.

''Loki?'' I said and shut the door.

He was just sitting there on my chair, as if he was a free man.

His eyes met mine and there was something different? Something I had never seen before, weakness.

I sat down on my bed.

I had never exactly mad my thoughts up on Loki, before. I mean yes he did try and attack Earth, but he was my Uncle, in a way

''Hello, Isabella'' he said softly. I smiled.

It brought back so many memories to hear him talk. It brought back the memoriees of when he used to tuck me into bed at night. He was the only person who called me by my full name. 

I don't know why he did, I never asked I suppose.

''Hello, Loki'' I smiled again.

He smiled weakly. As I looked at him all I could think was Prison did him no favours.

I sighed. ''You look terrible'' I said.

He chuckled softly.

''I am aware, I know I am not in my best of state right now'' he said and his eyes met mine again.

Then everything seemed to come back to me! How he had kidnapped his brothers lover and how he was going to steal the program.

''What are you doing here?!'' I said sharply. He smirked ''I need you'' he replied simply. I hadn't thought he would be so straight froward with it.

''Me?'' I asked slightly confused. Loki nodded ''You are very powerful, whether you know it or not'' he said and shrugged ''Too powerful'' he said and his eyes narrowed. I shook my head ''Loki, I am not powerful'' I said and laughed slightly.

''Oh, laugh all you like, you are and I want you'' he said and stood up.

''What would you need me for?'' I know I should have gone and told Father, or Fury, but Fury was annoying me right now and I don't feel like telling anyone.

''Loads of things, you could help me, get what you deserve, I could give you anything you want'' he smiled kindly. This was the way Loki always was to me, that was why I had found it so hard right now to go and rat about him.

I nodded ''And what do you want in return?'' No matter how nice he was being to me right now, he wanted something.

''I cant say'' he said to me

''Why? If you want my help you will have to say'' I said back

He sighed ''That's just the thing Isabella, you haven't said whether or not you will help, yet, so I cannot trust you'' 

''But I haven't gone and said your here, cant you trust me because of that''

''No'' he said simply. He turned to the wall

''I expect your answer within a few days'' he said and opened the door. I cant believe he would just go that way. He started to walk 

''Oh and Isabella'' he turned to me with a playful smile ''Dont tell anyone''

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