The program

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I saw Tony standing starring out of a window. I slowly walked over to him.

Over the past few days, yes days, we have become great friends.

''Something wrong?'' I asked as I looked out of the window.

''Huh? What, no, nothing..'' he said the last part quietly and looked at the window again.

It was a nice view, mainly clouds but still nice.

''You don't trust Fury do you?'' I asked. It had been a question on my mind for days, as Tony was always rude and Cold to Fury.

''I don't! And I have good reasons too!'' he said a bit more louder.

''And what would that good reason be?'' I said and turned to him.

He seemed to go all tense.

''Dp you know what he planned to do with the tesseract?'' he said simply and easily. I nodded.

I did know, My father told me all about it.

''Yes, I do''

''Well then you know why!''

''But that happened a while ago, too long, what if things have changed''

He scoffed and rolled his eyes.

''I doubt very much, bella that he has changed his ways''

I pursed my lips and sat down on a chair beside us. I crossed my legs and looked at him with interest.

''Why are you thinking this now?'' I asked. It has been a while since that happened why is he thinking this now.

He crossed his arms and looked at me.

''What is so important about that program that a whole military base were willing to protect it over their lives! Why was it so heavily guarded! And why has Loki escaped!'' he said frustrated.

I thought for a moment.

''I do not know''

He had an expressionless face for a few minutes before his lips curved into a smile.

''I think its time for a bit of exploring'' he said and started to walk. 

I stood up and followed him.

''Explore where?''

Was he mad? 

''Just keep following!'' he said and turned a corner.

I followed him just like he said and then we stopped at a door.

He frowned and looked at it. I stood beside him.

''Whats behind the door?'' I said and traced my finger over the cold metal, steel door.

He shrugged.

''I guess we will have to find out'' he smiled his flashy smile and yanked on the door, to open. After a good few attempts the door opened and we walked into a hall. It was just a hall.

''Nothing special here'' I told him. It looked plane and like the rest of the hellicarier the theme was dull and metal.

''Oh, but I think there is something very special down here'' he said as he walked.

He rolled up his sleeves and his feet echoed around the hall.

I walked up beside him my feet barely making a noise unlike him.

We stopped at the end of the hall. It wasn't that long of a hall it was short.

''See, nothing here, lets turn back'' I said and made to leave.

He grabbed my arm and I had to stay where I was.

''Bella'' he said as I had my back turned to the wall he was facing.

His voice sounded panicked and worried.

I spun around on my heels and frowned.

A small computer screen showed up. It said :


''What?'' I said and stared confused.

If what failed? Why is their a button even like this.

''I don't think we should have come down here!'' I whispered frantically.

''Nonsense'' he said and pushed the button.

I don't know what I expected a bomb to go off? But all that happened was the wall sided and reveled another room. This time it was a room!

Tony walked in and followed nervously.

This room was covered, every inch of the wall, in computer screens.

The were turned off until Tony sat in the chair and the wall slammed back into place, so on the outside it just looked like a hall and not a hall with a secret room.

''Tony!'' I said in a angry whisper.

He waved me away and then the S.H.I.E.L.D logo came up.

It counted down from ten, as it did the curiousity got the better of me and I sat beside him in swivel chair.

When it reached 0 a lady showed up on screen.

She looked well presentable in a lady's suit and hair combed back. Her lips were pursed.

''If you have gotten this message then my worst fear has come a reality'' she said and when she stopped talking her lips pursed again.

She was young but pursing her lips made her look old.

I looked at Tony who was glued to the screen.

''The program has become active!'' My head snapped back in her direction when she said that.

So this was about the program. It got me kind of worried. What was on that program that was her worst fear.

''I am un aware of whether or not you know what this program can accomplish, it can potentially shut down all of New York and many other areas, it makes the country weak when active'' she said calmly. She was so calm about all of this.

''If you are reading this message then New York has been on a blackout, the program has been plugged in and you are not safe!''

But the program wasn't active! Was it?

''There are very few ways to stop this, You can plug it out, but depending on the hands in which the program has fallen into that mightn't be so easy'' she sighed.

''I wish you the best of luck'' she said and the computer turned off.

I blinked. She barely told us anything! Who was she? Did Fury know about this?

I looked at Tony maybe he knew some answers.

But Tony starred at the shut off screen blankly as in disbelief. I don't blame him, I didn't believe it too!

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