the mission

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''So, Bella right?'' Asked Captain America. I nodded and walked around the plane.

''What do I call you, Steve ,Captain?' He smiled as I aksed him that.

''Call me whatever you feel like!'' he said and smiled. I blushed slightly.

''I like Captain!'' I said and smiled. Natasha pulled back her gun as she loaded it.

''Are you actually going to use it?'' I questioned. She shrugged.

''I am authorized to use whatever force necessary!'' she said and put the gun in the holder.

''What am I authorized to do?'' Steve looked at Natasha and then she sighed.

''Anything just do not kill someone!'' she said. I nodded and sat down. 

''Your nearly here, get ready!'' said the Pilot. Natasha strapped a parachute onto her back. Steve handed me mine.

''I can help you with it if you like?'' he said and smiled. He had a gorgeous smile.

''No I wont need it!'' I said and smiled. 

Captain frowned.

''Your hardly just going to jump?'' he said 

I smiled.

''Oh I am!'' I said and stood up. I stretched my arms.

''You will die!'' said Natasha wide eyed

''Who said anything about dying!'' I said and rolled my eyes.

''Its a long fall!'' I nodded. I knew exactly what it would be!

''I am aware'' I said and the door opened for them out. The pilot gave me small glances.

''Its reckless!'' he muttered. Captain saluted me before he fell out of the door. Natasha sighed.

''Be careful!'' she said and fell out. I looked at the Pilot.

''Should have taken the parachute!'' he muttered. I smiled to myself before I walked to the edge and let myself fall. The wind hit me in the face at such impact it stung my eyes. I was falling fast and I narrowed my eyes. 

Middgardian air, its not going to stop me!

I fell passed Captain and Natasha and they watched me. Before I reached the end I tumbled in the air and landed perfectly on the ground. I brushed a piece of dirt off of my arm and grinned as they joined me.

Where we were was a military base and you could see men marching around holding big guns. Natasha appeared beside me peaking around the wall we landed behind.

''Okay its pretty straight forward!'' she said still looking. Captain appeared beside me and smiled.

''Nice dive!'' he said to me. I smiled 

''Thank you''

''Right get ready to run!'' she said and snuck out from behind the wall. I followed her and Captain followed me.

I hunched down behind a bin, Captain did too and held his finger to his lips, he was asking for silence. I nodded and sat there as I could hear the in tune beats of mens feet running on the ground.

I was amazed at how in tune they were, all at the same pace. I smiled slightly and then the footsteps got quieter as they moved away from us.

''See that door!'' said Natasha pointing to a door not too far away but it was guarded with two men.

I nodded.

''Thats where we have to get too!'' she said. 

''Okay, so whats the plan?'' I asked.

She checked around the side of the bin and then looked back to us.

''We have to get passed them! Un-noticed as best as we can! So don't do anything that will get us noticed'' she said to me.

I didn't really understand why she was saying it to me but in one way I did.

She easily slipped passed some men and behind a truck that was in our way and the door. We could walk behind that and the men would never see us coming.

I followed her and I knew that Captain was behind me.

I stopped as she stopped, we reached the end of the truck k and we were so close to the door.

I didn't know what was behind it. I didn't really care either, but at the same time I didn't want to see.

''Captain?'' she said. Captain nodded and stepped forward. Natasha snuck up behind one man and struck him from behind with her gun. He fell to the ground unconscious. Captain hit the other man with his shield and he fell. I dragged one of the mans bodys behind the truck and left him there. 

Natasha dragged the other man and lay him beside the one I dragged. 

Captain bent down and took out a master card from one of the mans pockets.

''Your lucky, these are highly classified agents!'' he said and handed the card to Natasha. She nodded a thanks and went to check if anyone was coming.

''Wheres Phil?'' said a voice from a soldier not far from here. Natasha ran to the door no longer caring for blowing cover and yanked it open. I ran after her and walked inside. 

Steve shut the door as he entered and my mouth dropped at what I saw.

It was a really big room. As far as the eye can see. Loaded with shelves and boxes labelled 'HIGHLY CLASSIFIED' and 'WARNING' i gulped. How the hell were we to find what we needed. It was too big.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard Men yelling and banging on the door outside.

''Fury? Director Fury?'' said Natasha as she held her finger to her earpiece. I turned and looked at her.

''Damn it!'' she cursed.

''What?'' I said. Your could hear guns fire outside and the door get pelted with the gun or anything that would break it.

''Come on!'' said captain as he grabbed my hand and ran. I ran aswell. We ran past aisles that went as tall as the room. This was like one big warehouse. I gulped and ran morre. I was already lost in here and I doubted Captain had any idea of where he was going.

We ran and ran for a good few minutes and then the door burst open.

''In here!'' said Natasha as she opened a door. I walked in with Captain and she closed the door tight. I sighed out in relief but you could hear the men from in here.

''Make sure no one enters or leaves here!'' shouted someone. You could hear them running all around the place. 

What was so important in here for that much protcection?

I realized I was still holding Captains hand and I let go. He blushed as did I.

''What do we do now?'' I said. Sure that man said no one enters or leaves.

Natasha smiled.

''We keep going! We came here for a reason and we are not leaving until we get what we need!'' she said simply and walked on. This was like a small hall and at the end was another door with a machine that you had to have a card for. She took out the master card and slides it through.

''Well that came in handy!'' she said as the door opened and she walked on it. It was justa  room but in the middle was a clear box and on the inside was the program that we needed.

She walked around it and Captain looked too.

''I think it has an alarm!'' she said and looked at Captain. He nodded.

''I do too! I think we need a plan of escape now!'' he said.

''Yes! As soon as we grab it just run! Back to the helicopter!'' she said. It was a very vague plan but it was all we got. All that stood in the way was the men with guns!

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