Finally, the truth

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''Director?'' Said the voice of Agent Hill as she stood in the board room. Fury looked up at her and leaned back in his chair while he nodded.

''Yes, Agent?''

''You have a few people! Outside! They are not happy'' she said referring to the Avengers.

Fury looked at her with searching eyes.

''I think its time'' he said and nodded.

 Slowly but surely Agent hill shifted and opened the door. They all walked in.

Steve looked at Fury, nodded and took his seat. Bella didn't acknowledge him at all, as well as Thor and Stark. They took their seats and then Natasha and Clint walked in.

Bruce came in a few minutes later, twiddling his thumbs and then sat down.

Stark leaned back in his chair and swung around, because it was a swivel chair.

''You all have found out your bits of information and you need the full facts before you judge'' he said and clicked his fingers. Two agents walked in, holding tablets in their hands. They were placed in front of everyone. 

''On them, you will find every bit of information you need'' said Fury as he looked at his. He placed it on the table and looked at them.

''But lets just say it anyway'' he said and sighed. Everyone looked at him, eager to know.

''Over twenty years ago, a program, chip or whatever you wish to call it was made. It was a mistake that shouldn't have been made, it was though, by Eric Selvig's Father. Now what this Program can do, is shut down all of New York and any defensive weapons. It leaves the country weak, as you can imagine'' said Fury as he looked at them all.

''To keep it out of the wrong hands it was taken away from Dr. Selvig and placed under high security. Later it was stolen and taken away by a group of scientist's. We hadn't found out till later years that Eric Selvig, was told of this program, by his father. Two years ago when the attack of New York happened, Loki had asked Eric something, but he said too much and mentioned the program'' 

They were all on the edge of their seat as they listened.

''Loki obviously left Earth, back to Asgard, but recently he escaped from Asgard prison'' Fury sighed.

Tony shook his head. ''They should have had more security on him'' he said and still shook his head

''We did! We had every bodied guard watching him! Do not forget Loki is the God of Mischief!'' said Thor, Thor wasn't so happy in the way Tony had talked about Loki or Asgard.

''Reindeer'' Tony muttered.

''Anyway!'' said Fury.

''We don't exactly know where Loki is, but we do know this. Eric Selvig was in a car crash, he was badly injured and suffered from Memory loss, he doesn't know anything of the program anymore, but there is one person who does. Jane Foster, Eric had told her all he knew before the crash and she is the only person beside Authorized agents who knows'' Fury sighed. 

Thor starred amazed and Natasha stared at him, emotionless. Clint did show emotion, anger.

''Jane was taken, by Loki'' he finished.

Thor stood up.

''How could you do this to her?! If you knew she was the only person who knew, why didnt you put her under protection?!'' he yelled.

''Thor! Calm down!'' said Fury, equally as annoyed.

''Calm down!? Someone I care about has been taken! Because of your selfish ways!''

He looked and was very angry right now. How could Jane not have been protected.

He sighed.

''What does Loki want with her?!''

Fury sighed. ''To get all the information about the program, hes planning an attack again, this time bigger and he plans to win this time, too!'' said Fury.


Loki walked up and down, pacing. He was as skinny as a    twig, Prison had done him no favours and he was pale and had black lines under his eyes.

Jane sat on the ground, watching him with half scared half intense eyes.

''I will ask you again!'' said Loki patiently, as his hand gripped the cold sceptre harder.

''Where!Is the program'' he said and turned to look at her.

She didn't reply, she had barely said anything to him, apart from 'Thor will come and when he does your screwed' he had only laughed at that response.

''TELL ME!'' Loki screamed while he held the sceptre at her heart. She gasped at the sudden rage of him.

''I don't know! I thought it was in the military base!'' she said back to him.

He took away the sceptre from her heart and paced again while biting his lip slightly.

''I need to get it!'' he said simply.

Jane was about to say something smart, but it wouldn't really be in her favour if she did.

''Your new job, is activating it!'' he said and turned to her.

Jane blinked. ''I cant do that, Only Dr Selvig could along with Eric Selvig, but one is dead and the other has lost his memory'' she said quietly. It was a good thing he had told her many things before he had lost his memory, but now he barely remembered her.

''Well your just going to have to learn'' said Loki and grabbed her by the collar of her shirt and dragged her back to where he had been keeping her. She wasn't heavy, maybe that was because he was a God and she was not, but still.

''Your going to loose, Loki'' she spat at him. He threw her hard on the ground and she groaned. He smacked her hard across the face.

''You better hope your wrong! For your sake'' he said close to her face before he turned to leave and closed the door. He locked it too.

Jane slumped against the wall and fell into an uncomfortable sleep.

Loki walked back to where he was previously.

Two frost giants walked in and Loki just nodded to them

''I don't care how! Just go find out where that program is'' he said to them.

He said it calmly too. Loki sat down in a chair then and sat back in it, trying to make him comfortable.

The frost giants nodded and left.

It had been a hard escape from the prison, it took nearly a week to get away, un-noticed.

Loki sighed. He had been on earth for a good while, he kept quiet and tried to make himself better, because he was in no good shape yet.

His plans were to take over the world, but this time be successful.

He smiled at his plans.

He also needed someone, to complete it.

He needed Bella! Before she could turn of age, maybe he could convince her to come to his side and then she would be loyal to him, forever. He smiled even more.

His plan was perfect! And nothing was going to go wrong this time

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