Who Wants to Join My Let's Murder Lisanna Team?!

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It all started when FairyTailNaluIsLife saw the new rivalry between Lucy and Lisanna that she decided to take action.

"Who wants to join my let's murder Lisanna team?!" She shouts out to anyone nearby. Catching the attention of several readers. The first one to actually sign up, was Animelover782.

"I'll join as long as that b**** gets away from Natsu." She shouts (Author: Sorry if you're a guy, you can't really tell on Wattpad.) She takes the sheet from FairyTailNaluIsLife and angrily writes down her name.

"Yesss! Anyone else?" She calls. Sheilabff sees her and immediatly signs up.

"Me!!!" She signs the paper too, calling the attention of Maka_Albarn_1.

"Me. If it keeps that motherf****er away from Nastu, then I'm in." FairyTailNaluIsLife jumps for joy.

"YAAAAAY! Now everyone...... march on so we can kill her!!! Join us!" And the small army marched forth toward their destiny, but before they could, a new member starts running towards them.

"Me!" CrazyCatLady123456 shouts.

"Aye sir." Replies Maka_Albarn_1. Meanwhile, -Ginny- finishes writing her application to join.

"I hope I can join forces with you, captain!" She solutes FairyTailNaluIsLife.

"Me too." Joins inks1110402181513257.

"So when are we going to start?" Questions Animelover782.

-Ginny- starts shouting her orders. "I will lead the troops into area 4, ALL FELLOW TROOPS FOLLOW ME INTO THE BATTLEFIELD WITH FULL ARTILLERY!!"

CrazyCatLady123456 puts on her helmet and grabs an AK47. "AYE SIR!" She shouts while following.

"Yaaaay!" FairyTailNaluIsLife shouts, but stops. "OK.... EVERYONE.... HOLD IT....HOLD IT...." The troops stop charging and listen to her next words closely. A long pause falls across the army.

"ATTACK!" She suddenly shouts, getting everyone pumped up. CrazyCatLady123456 starts running towards towards the battlefeild doing a battle cry the entire way.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" She starts shooting everyone except her team, trying to get past Lisanna's guards. FairyTailNaluIsLife laughs at her spirit.

"Wait for me!" She calls, but CrazyCatLady123456 stops and looks ahead.

"HURRY UP I SEE THEM!" She calls to her teammates.

"LASAGNA IS UP AHEAD!! EVERYONE GET THEIR FULLY LOADED AK47 AND RUN AT FULL SPEED!!!" -Ginny- puts on her bulletproof vest and helmet. "CHARGE!!"

gajeel_x_levy sees the action and decides to join too.

"Me! I WANNA KILL THAT STUPID A** MOTHERF****ER SON OF A B**** SL** AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST PROSTITUTE!" (Author: I had to bleep out a lot of that. I'm not one to spell out cuss words.) They start fighting, killing everyone except their teammates, but soon after, FairyTailNaluIsLife notices something.

"NO GUYS! WE ARE LOSING! RETREAT FOR NOW! WE WILL BE BACK FOR YOU LASAGNA!" She shouts towards her rival enemy, before gathering up her troops and fleeing her battlefield.

I, anime-lover7, soon join the fray right after, coming out with a mini gun and shooting everyone but Lisanna.


"Yeah!" gajeel_x_levy agrees.

"NO EVERYONE! WE MUST RETREAT, WE HAVE TO REPAIR OUR ARMOR AND WEAPONS! WE WILL COME BACK, DON'T WORRY!" FairyTailNaluIsLife shouts her orders and we all head back, a bit disagreeably though.

"Kk." Replies gajeel_x_levy.

"Ugh fine." Agrees CrazyCatLady123456. "I mean you're luck this time moldy lasagna." She gives her an Erza-like death stare.

"I'll be back for you Lasagna!!!!" I give her a glare.

"Well get her, she has to stay away from him!!!!!!" Animelover782 shouts to us, but I know that I can't attack her alone without the help of my team.

Once we headed back to our base, FairyTailNaluIsLife checked everyone for injuries, and ordered the armor and weapons to be repaired.

"Okay everyone... IS ANYONE WOUNDED?!" She shouts over all the commotion. She hires a random magic person that was walking on the street to heal everyone, and then mysteriously stares off into the distance sharpening her sword.

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