Some Milk?

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OMG I JUST REALIZED SOMETHING! This book is almost over! ):

Well anyway, here's the part.

"Comment 600!" I yell, throwing confetti everywhere. "Sorry, just had to say that."

"I remember when I commented it was like comment 200 or something." BananaMilk- sighs. "Where did the years go?"

"Who knows lol." I laugh.

"It's been a while since I've been on this one." CrazyCatLady123456 joins in.

"Not for me, I'm writing a book off of these comments. They're hilarious!"

"Meooooow! Hey anyone want some milk??" FairyTailNaluIsLife asks us.

"I want milk..." BananaMilk- answers.

"You need some milk! (Sorry/Not sorry)" CrazyCatLady123456 shouts.

"I do need some milk honestly." BananaMilk- replies.

Well, it is in your name.

CrazyCatLady123456 starts handing out milk to us. But BananaMilk- shoves us out of the way.


I pull out my gun and aim it at BananaMilk-'s head. "I'm first."

CrazyCatLady123456 pulls out her flamethrower. "NU I'M FIRST!"

Animelover782 uses water magic to get in the front of the line. "That milk is mine."

CrazyCatLady123456 uses her... water bazooka. "Hehe I brought it. So I get it first."

I raise my hand, "I get the second serving though... right?"

Captain gets ready to haunt people. "NA, MA MILK!"

"Yeah anime-lover7. FairyTailNaluIsLife, you get the third." CrazyCatLady123456 tries to solve everything.

BananaMilk- does something unforgivable though. BananaMilk- turns around, already drinking all the milk. "Huh."

Crazy gives BananaMilk- a death glare. "YOU. TOOK. MY. MILK!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Uh oh..." I sigh.

"Haha! You all are so funny!" BookWormPanda18 appears out of nowhere.

"Of course we are.

BECAUSE WE ARE SO FUNNY!" I shout. Captain joins in.

"YAS WE ARE! And all hell is about to break loose..."

"YOU..... MY MILK....." Crazy twitches, turning into her sadistic mode. "YOU..... WILL PAY!" She charges at BananaMilk-.

"Ahh..... I think I will let them be....." Captain sits in her chair and relaxes.

"MY MILK!" Crazy starts to mercilessly beat up BananaMilk-.

"I might step in.

After I finish eating this Lasagna ear." Captain starts to munch on one of Lasagna's ears.

I start to get out my sword, "HOW DARE YOU TOUCH CRAZY'S MILK! AND MY MILK!"

Captain continues munching on Lisanna's ear.

"Can I have some ear too?" I stop fighting and walk over to where Captain was sitting.

"Sure." She hands over the ear. "It is a bit chewy so please don't choke."

Crazy continues to beat up BananaMilk-, "I'M AVENGING MY MILK!"

"Well, it wasn't technically yours since you drank it..." BananaMilk- nonchalantly says.


"Pleh. Whoops." BananaMilk- shrugs.

"Grrr. Don't do it again."

"Okay mate, you get first next. Truce?"


BananaMilk- narrows his/her eyes. "For now... omfg jk."

Captain sips her milk. "Hey... ya' know there is heaps more here....."

Crazy launches herself at Captain. "GIMMEEEEEE!"

"No," She yanks the milk away. "You must earn it."

BananaMilk- does the chicken dance. "How about that??"

"The chicken dance? Really?" I ask in disbelief.

"Shh, don't judge me."

Okay....." I agree, secretly concerned if BananaMilk- is sane.

"I'm not. C:"

Woah he read my mind...

Captain starts to gulp down milk.


Animelover872 starts chugging down all the milk, "It's all mine."


"Nope, all mine." Animelover782 answers while chugging down a gallon of milk, then falls to the floor from drinking too much.

"Same." BananaMilk- says.

I pull out my sword and kill the cow. "EVIL COW, YOU KILLED ANIMELOVER782!"


I'm crying right now. Ya know why? Because this story is almost over! The next chapter will definitely be the last one. I'M CRYING SO MUCH RIGHT NOW! I'm gonna save my end-of-amazing-story speech for the last chapter, but I'm not looking forward to it. T-T

Until the end, 


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