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I jumped up after being healed by the random stranger, ready to attack Lasagna again.

"Feeling good now! Let's kick some Lasagna butt! Who's with me?!" I shout, starting to load my gun with an evil grin plastered on my face.

"OK EVERYONE...." FairyTailNaluIsLife starts. "Here's the plan...... there are over 500 people guarding nali and with it... Lasagna." She nearly vomits in disgrace. "I grant you each a magic power of your choice. You must say what power and why and after about 5 people tell you what it is... I will give a little speech as your captain (like one sentence), and we will charge at them with everything we've got!"

"Bake a cake for everyone." I jump at the sound of a new voice. TokyoGhouldabest223 pops in on our meeting to sign up for the war, bringing cake. "Lucy: I'm joining you guy's. I'm getting my Natsu back."

I get excited by my new idea for magic. "I want fire magic! I looovvve fire magic." I grant my magic power.

"Anime-lover7 I grant you fire magic." She bestows my new magic upon me. "Next?"

"Can I also have fire magic?" CrazyCatLady123456 asks.

"Me." Maka_Albarn_1 says.

"Meeeee. I got the chainsaw guy from Soul Eater-he can cut her bones easily." I turn to look at the new member, samaja1234. 

"OMG YASS samaja1234! Let's get this battle started!" I call to her.

"Let's go anime-lover7!!!" I run up to FairyTailNaluIsLife.

"Can we go now?" I plead, ready to kill Lasagna.

"FairyTailNaluIsLife please?" samaja1234 follows. Animelover782 takes no time and marches forward.

"Ok everyone, we march forward with our magic and chainsaws. LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" And charges forward.

"Aye sir! We must sing our chant. NALU FOR LIFE! Come on everyone. NALU FOR LIFE, NALU FOR LIFE, NALU FOR LIFE WE'LL KILL YOU LASAGNA F*** YOU WH*** B**** NALU FOR LIFEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!"

CrazyCatLady123456 grabs an AK47 and puts on a helmet. "AYE SIR/MA'AM! And Lisanna's code name is 'moldy lasagna'." She adds. Samaja1234 takes no time in attacking the enemies.

"Sorry FairyTailNaluIsLife, I'm taking over the right field, you take the other, we ambush in the middle." She calls to Captain. "Let's get moldy lasagna and torture her nonstop. I vote future dires should watch all the episodes without blinking, who's with me?" Samaja1234 challenges.

"LET'S GET MOLDY LASAGNA!" CrazyCatLady1234 shouts to her teammates.

"Yea a a a a a a a a a a a a a aaaa aaaa aaaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaaa aa!"

"DIE MOLDY LASAGNA!!!!!!!" I shout while spreading out my fire magic to blanket the battlefield, hurting everyone but my teammates.

"Let's go have lunch I'm hungry." TokyoGhouldabest223 suggests. "After luch we'll kill lasagna(moldy)."

"You left me...." FairyTailNaluIsLife looks like she's about to cry. "everyone left me alone...."

"I'm not. Not me." TokyoGhouldabest223 decided to stay after all.

"I'm still here! Not leaving until that moldy lasagna dies!" I angrily shout, then get back to attacking a Lasagna guard. FairyTailNaluIsLife stops fighting.

"I will now give meh speech...." She begins. She clears her throat before starting. "Today... we will stand up against the moldy Lisagna... today... we will kill the moldy Lisagna... today... some of us may not come back alive... today... WE WILL WIN, WE WILL NOT LET THE STINKY, MOLDY LISANGA LIVE! SHE MUST DIE!" Then she starts to cry saying how proud she is of us. "I AM PROUD OF EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU! Now......... CHARRRRRRRRRRRRGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DIE BUTT FACED, STINKY, MOULDY LASAGNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"CHARGE!!!!!!!!!! And that was a wonderful speech... CHARGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I attack everything and see Lasagna, then I start to beat up the nasty Lasagna "DIE!!!!!!!!!" I shout while I kicked her in the gut.

"Thanks. SHE IS DIEING! YAY WE ARE BEATING HER!" Captain cheers.

"I want to cut off her head!!!!!!!!!" Samaja1234 shouts.

"Let's cut off her head!" I join.

"NO LEMME KILL HER I CAME UP WITH THE CODE NAME!" CrazyCatLady123456 readies her flamethrower. "SOMEONE CHOP HER UP I'LL BURN THE REMAINS TO ASHES!" She has an evil look on her face.

"FaiyTailNaluIsLife should kill her!" I interrupt. "She came up with the army!" CrazyCatLady123456 reluctantly agrees.

"Fine, but I still get to burn her remains right?"

"Of course!"

"YES! Okay FairyTailNaluIsLife, you can kill her now, I really wanna burn something."


Hello there people that read! I was just gonna keep going, but I decided that I want to stretch out this little story as long as possible. Anyway, be looking forward to the next update!


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