Execution and Parties

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"Yes! Okay FairyTailNaluIsLife, you can kill her now. I really wanna burn something." CrazyCatLady123456 readies her flamethrower, prepared to burn Lisanna to ashes.

"Me." Aye_Nalu says.

"I'M IN!" Cielaminroll joins in.

"ME, ME, ME! STAB HER IN THE EYE!" Fandoms_4lifee cheers.

"Calm down everyone, you'll have your chance!" I try to calm the wild crowd as each individual tries to come forward to have their chance to kill Lisanna.

"Yeah, we already captured her, but you can watch the execution!" CrazyCatLady123456 grins evilly.

"MWAHAHAHA!!!! Let's kill her already!" I laugh crazily, the thought of killing a rival and having NaLu for life is overwhelming.

"Yes good thinking Fandoms_4lifee." Samaja1234 agrees with her fellow teammate. But she gets an evil idea. "No, I want to see the Nali fans beg for forgiveness for kidnapping Natsu. HE F****** BELONGS TO THE NALU FANDOM B******!" She shouts.

"Yes, we will make them pay." CrazyCatLady123456 gives a creepy laugh followed by an evil grin while she sharpens her machete. "LET'S MAKE THE NALI FANDOM WITNESS THE EXECUTION!" She shouts to everyone.

"Yeah!" Agrees Maka_Albarn_1 while pumping her fist in the air.

"CrazyCatLady123456 I like the way you think." Says samaja1234.

"Huh. That's a first. Usually people ask if I'm okay/sane." She replies. "WHICH I TOTALLY AM!" She laughs nervously, wondering if she's right or not.

"Don't worry CrazyCatLady123456, you are." I reassure.

"But I'm not............... I like the crazy side." samaja1234 decides.

"I'm sane, but I have my moments. But seriously, WHEN IS THE EXECUTION!" She angrily shouts, remembering that we have a captured Lisanna in front of us.

"Seven days from now, we are still torturing her, but I said to hurry up and kill her, but I love seeing her in pain and the undertaker has the flue." samaja1234 informs us.

"I can't wait till the execution! Time to prepare my flamethrower!"

"DO YOU HAVE A PERMIT?!" samaja1234 realizes.

"You need a permit for a flamethrower?" CrazyCatLady123456 asks, while thinking if she's ever even been told that information.

"No, you need a permit to sell tickets for a good movie and the flamethrower." She tells her.

FairyTailNaluIsLife decides to speed things along. "Okay.... can I kill her? OKAY EVERYONE! READY FOR THE EXECUTION!" She shouts, earning several roars from the gathering crowds as they get out their phones and cameras and videos recorders to remember this special moment.

"Yeaaaaaa!" samaja1234 grabs her popcorn and gets ready. "Let the show begin! I'm in the splash zone by the way." She tells us.

"WAIT FOR ME!" CrazyCatLady123456 runs over. "Okay I'm ready." She says while preparing her flamethrower and popcorn.

"Okay..... How are we gonna kill her?" FairyTailNaluIsLife asks us.

"YES!" Cheers gajeel_x_levy, earning a confused look by our captain.

"See, the undertaker was important but he is her. Undertaker: This is for NaLu fans! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Samaja1234 yells, earning confused looks from everybody. FairyTailNaluIsLife stares blankly.

"What just happened?" She asks.

"She was chopped to pieces by the undertaker I believe. TIME TO BURN THE REMAINS TO ASHES!" She readies her flamethrower again. "3....... 2........ 1... FOR NALU!!" CrazyCatLady123456 fires her flamethrower and burns Lasagna's remains to ashes. FairyTailNaluIsLife nods in approval.

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