Sleepover! (Extra Chapter)

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*Fends off angry readers with a stick* *stick snaps* *nervous laugh*
H-Here! Just take it! *throws chapter at you all*

Ahem, let's - let's just continue.

A quick reminder, this chapter is not in the comment section, but my fellow troops wanted more drunk scenes, so here it is. This also gives others a chance to be in here that couldn't because they weren't a part of the comment section Also, this is written as though they were comments.

FairyTailNaluIsLife: HEY MEH TROOPS!!!!!

anime-lover7: Yeah?

FairyTailNaluIsLife: In honor of defeating the moldy Lasagna, we will now have......

Everyone: *waits patiently*

FairyTailNaluIsLife: A SLEEPOVER!!!!!!!!

CrazyCatLady123456: FINALLY!!!!!!

anime-lover7: I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS!!!!!!! *throws confetti everywhere*

BananaMilk-: BUST OUT THE MILK!!!!

Crazy: AND THE BOOZE!!! *hands everyone a barrel*

That_Crazy_Dot: Don't forget the Doritos!

FairyTailNaluIsLife: And the ghostie Doritos (cause I'm still a ghost) *starts to cry*

anime-lover7: Well yeah, we already passed the part where you died in the story. *flips through pages*

BananaMilk-: Fourth wall broken. o_o

anime-lover7: We're always breaking the fourth wall in this story.

Fourth Wall Repair Crew: Yeah, and we're still trying to fix it-

FairyTailNaluIsLife: *looks to you* Oh, I didn't see you there. HI READER!!! *waves*

Fourth Wall Repair Crew: *gets smashed by falling pieces of the wall*

Everyone: 0_0

FairyTailNaluIsLife: I have killed the Fourth Wall Repair Crew o_o

anime-lover7: Hey look, you killed someone other than Lasagna! ^-^

Everyone: ..............................

anime-lover7: *sits in corner*

Crazy: Weeeeeelllllllll, not that this isn't fun but...... *starts chugging the booze*

FairyTailNaluIsLife: *already drunk* Here reader-san! HAAaaVveE SSSooomMeEEE! *hands over beer*

Reader-san: (insert here what you'll say or do)

anime-lover7: On another topic... LET'S HAVE A PILLOW FIGHT!!!!!!!!!! *grabs pillow out of nowhere*

CrazyCatLady123456: *smiles evilly* *secretly grabs metal pillows*

Captain: *sneaks up behind people without them knowing because she's a ghostie and ghosties are sneaky like that* *hits people with pillows*

anime-lover7: *charges recklessly because I never have an attack plan*

CrazyCatLady123456: *whispers* They'll never see it coming.

CrazyCatLady123456: *sneaks up behind BananaMilk-* *hits BananaMilk- over the head with metal pillows*

BananaMilk-: Wha- *gets knocked out*

Crazy: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! CATS RULE! *turns into her sadist mode and attacks people with pillows*

samaja1234: IT'S AN ALL OUT WAR NOW!!!!! *battle cry* OUR TARGET IS EACH OTHER!!!!


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