|03| Thunder

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Picture of what I think Kaden could look like, except his hair is lighter with no tattoos.

This chapter is one of my soft spots, for reasons you'll soon see. :)

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"Fear cuts deeper than swords."
George R.R. Martin


REKHA HAD ASKED our advisor for clarification, only to learn that unfortunately what Kaden said was true. Because Rekha and I weren't present for the meeting, me being late for fifteen minutes and Rekha who was having the Student Council meeting, Kaden had gotten one of his past shags Lessie to voice out her opinion on who got the field.

Lessie had been agreeable.

No underlying deals under the table there.

"We should kick Lessie out of her team."

"We can't," Rekha said mournfully though I was positive the thought has occurred to her. "Lessie's one of our best fliers."

"Then we'll make her life hell," I said angrily.

"We can't."

"Why not?" I demanded, resting my hands on my hips as I glared at my co-captain.

"Because, you've aced yourself detention with Mr Richard."

I scowled, "I'll skip."

"Then he'll kick you off the team."

"It's all fucking Kaden's fault." I slammed the locker door shut, walking to my next class angrily. There was nothing I'd like better to do than shove Kaden out of the window and watch his bones shatter.


MY MOOD HADN'T changed when school ended. I was scowling sitting a fair distance away from the dark haired boy. Two days ago, I thought I'd do the bet, just to piss of the twins and trick Kaden but now, I was too pissed off to care to do that. Instead I'd rather just rearrange Kaden's face.

Mr Richard was pleased to see us, if his grin was any indicator. He sent us to the biology teacher who needed some help cleaning up since his last class had dissected frogs. Kaden and I were forced to work together. We didn't speak throughout the process cleaning frog goo from the material around us. When Kaden or I needed the antibacterial soap, instead of asking, we'd walk over to get it. We worked in absolute silence.

When we were done, I sat at the bus stop waiting for my older sister to pick me up. I saw Kaden drive off in his red Ford.


"How's practice?" I asked when Rekha answered her phone.

"Gee, good day to you to. The girls seemed pretty bummed the guys have taken three days off the week, we've ended up with Monday, Tuesday and Saturday practices so we have enough days."

My nails dug into my skin. "Lessie?"

"She said, why must we have Saturday practices?" Rekha mimicked her Irish accent, "To which I responded with a harsh, well you shouldn't have let them take our fucking Thursday's then."

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