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(Next week)

Frisk opens her eyes looking around questionably and sees sans sitting in a chair asleep. Sans jumped up "Hey guys she's awake!" A group of familiar faces started crowding into the room. Frisk sits up but suddenly feels a strike of pain, she winces. "Whoh easy there kiddo. Don't hurt yourself." Frisk smiles lightly at his concern but replies."I'll be fine." Sans relaxed "okay, good." Frisk fully sits up and greets everyone with a smile."Thanks for all coming i'm glad yall are here." Papyrus smiles very widely,"It's what friends do, do they not NYEH" Alpyus shyly smiled,"I-it's no problem really i'm just glad your ok." Undyne said,"Just get well soon." Frisk laughs at their kind gestures and felt butterflies in her stomach. "Aweeeee she's red!" Exclaimed Undyne "Are you feeling alright my child?" Asked toriel "n-no i'm fine" frisk burys her head under the blanket. Everyone began to laugh frisk joined in as well. Sans stepped up towards the bed "So what happened?"Frisk explained about everything to the point to where sans was there,"And that's what happened." Frisk said "mhm. I see I gtg i'll see ya later Frisk." Frisk waved good bye to sans as he headed out.


Sans smile faded as he walk out of the room once outside he kicked the wall of the house. sans scratched his head in annoyance,"I should have been there sooner it's all my fault. Dammit i'm going to kill that flower!" Sans took a shortcut to the waterfall a few min of waiting and he could hear that stupid laughter,"Well well well lookie who we have bh.elkhere." Flowey smiles sans gave him a angry look his left eye slowly growing blue, "Listen here you F****** weed if you come anywhere near frisk again, you're gonna have a bad time!" Flowey laughed, "HAHHaHHA I shouldn't be the one you're worried about remember all the time lines all the resets, over and over papyrus being killed what makes you think she won't do it again?" Sans kept quiet the blue from his eye fading...But sans knew frisk, right? "Frisk would never hurt a fly I know about her past time lines but this one is different I can feel it!" Flowey laughed at his hope ,"Ok then but don't come crying to me when papyrus get killed." Flowey disappeared leaving a very pissed off sans. Sans began walking home remembering what Flowey "i'm not the you're worried about." Sans kept thinking, What did he even mean? While he keep thinking he ran into frisk,"Oh hey i've been looking for you!" She smiled warmly. "Really? What for?" Sans asked forgetting his unsettling thoughts momentarily, "Well you did just leave out of nowhere." Frisk says. Sans looks at frisk "and?" Frisk smiles "And you're my best friends i worry about you

." sans blushes "I am?" Sans instantly felt bad about doubting frisk."Of course you are!" Frisk said sans started tearing up letting a water droplet fall from his eye. "What wrong sans?" sans looked down "nothing just hungry." Frisk eyes looked at sans with worry,"Sans you know you can talk to me.." Frisk tugs on his sleeve sans wipes his tears away. "Yeah I know, and i should've trusted you frisk i'm so sorry" Frisk looks curiously, "About what." Sans realized that frisk hasn't been with him in a few days "oh it's nothing." Frisk suspiciously looks at sans and sighs,"Fine fine." Frisk gets an idea "hey you hungry?" Sans smiles widens,"Yeah let's go to grillbys." Sans and frisk begin their walk towards grillbys. On the way they see papyrus "Hey! Your better." Papyrus looks at frisk "Yes human I THE GREAT PAPYRUS I WELL AGAIN!"Frisk smiles,"Good to hear that I was worried." "No need to worry about me human. Where are yall going?" sans smiled "Grilldys to grab bite." Papyrus eyes lit up "Why go to grillbys when I THE GREAT PAPYRUS could cook for you." Frisk gulped before scratching her head while looking at sans. "Umm well pap you see it just ganna be me and frisk." papyrus smiled more "Great just you frisk and I THE GREAT PAPYRUS i'll get to work right away see yall there!" he turned and started running toward the house.

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