CHAPTER! Brought to you by "Finally a chapter"

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CHAPTER! Brought to you by "Finally a chapter"

Frisk and Sans snapped out of trance and looked at the annoying flower. She turned her attention towards the pesky flower ¨Please flowey I don't want to fight.¨ Sans stepped forward his eye glowing blue "Well I do." Sans shot bones from the ground and forced flowey backwards. Flowey smiled, a vine grabbed frisk from behind and tightened around her neck. "I've been working on gathering souls." flowey turned to sans. "I hope you don't mind if i borrow this one." Sans face quickly filled with concern and anger he doesn't say a word but looks at flowey. Frisks looks and sans and tries to speak with her last breath she mumbles, "I'm sorry." A tear rolls down her face as her soul leaves her body. Flowey takes the soul, "It's all over now." He laughs menacingly before he slowly turns into omega flowey.

¨Boy! I've been empty so long...It feels great to have souls inside of me...Awe are you feeling left out?... well that's just perfect now with my new found powers... everyone.. I will show them all the real meaning of this world..¨ Sans stepped forward with determination. ¨.....What? Do you really think you can stop me? really are a idiot." Flowers face turned into a screen and vine like tentacles from his body.

Sans knew no matter what he had to win, for Frisk. Flowey shot flames from his gun. Sans dodged the first attach to problem. He quickly tried to use a Gaster blaster and hit the flower. Flowey shoot his seeds until a warning sign came onto his screen than knifes flew everywhere. He dodged them but got hit a few times until he saw a act button, confused he touched it. "you called for help" Frisk soul reached out long enough to help, The knifes slowly shook and turned into bandages which flew to him and healed Sans, seeing Frisk filled Sans with determination. Flowey came back to andt summoned a worm like parasites after Sans. Sans dodged them and Flowey sent out sharp razor like hands sans gets a little scraped up and Frisk tried to mend his wounds but sans was already trying his next attack. For a second Flowers screen went blank sans could hear the souls cheering him on, they were fighting to. Suddenly floweys defense was weekend.Slowly flowey became weaker and weaker till the souls started attacking back. Till flowey was transformed back frisks soul went back to her body and what was left was flowey cowering down. Sans took pity on the flower taking a look back on frisks unconscious body thinking what she would do.. Sans gave flowey mercy over and over again till...¨why?... why I dont... I dont.. Understand...¨" Tears ran down his (face?......idk) face.*flowey ran away* Sans sighed and walked over to frisk taking great care in picking her up and carrying her home.

But than everything reset

Jk lmao merry chrismas XD

Little secrets(sans x frisk)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant