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"Sans!" Frisk cried with excitement to see her blue eyed friend "Thank god you're okay, I've been so worried they said you wouldn't make it and I was so scared." A tear ran down Frisk's cheek. Sans grind "you think I was gonna go back on my promise that easy?" Frisk backed up to get a good look at sans the two just stared at each other, both too happy to say a word as if this was something to fragile just saying something could ruin it. They stayed there motionless with their eyes locked on each other until toriel interrupted walking in the door to check on frisk as she usually did the door squeaked open. frisk quickly released sans and took a step back as toriel said "I heard a noise are you okay my chil-" she cut herself short looking at sans open eyes and quickly called for a nurse. Hearing the news of sans awakening everyone folded in the hospital. Sans was happy for the attention but he really wanted to see frisk and tell him what happened out there and maybe get some answers for himself. He's still a little foggy about how he ended up here but he remembered what he almost said to frisk making the skeleton blush which faded as he started having this feeling of horrid out of his gut like he knows something bad will happen and not kill-your-brother kind of bad maybe something even worse. Sans put that thought aside for the time being, frisk walked back up to sans, sans examined frisk a little more, frisk had look sleep deprived and very skinny so he came to the conclusion that she hasn't eaten and slept in a while so sans sent her home she tried to protest but sans believed it wasn't up for discussion she smile a sleepy smile sans couldn't help but think it was kinda cute.The day rolled around quite fast but frisk came back to visit sans. Her big brown eye fixed on him. "Hey kiddo you look well rested did you enjoy your nap?" frisk yawned "How long was i out?" "awhile kid, don't worry though I still got you beat." sans winked and laughed frisk didn't find it very funny but she was just glad he was back to his old self. Frisk hung out there with him for the day they said he wouldn't be released till tomorrow a couple hours went by and it was getting late.

'Hey kid you better get going I think we're both a little worn out even with our naps." sans chuckle then drifted off frisk looked and sans' sleeping body, he seem peaceful and it was quite just like when he wouldn't wake up. Frisk knew he would wake in the morning and that he was okay but even seeing him sleeping worries her now. She decided to get some rest she kept telling herself he will be okay she went home and got ready for bed. Later that night while frisk was laying in her bed she heard something at the window she woke up and walked toward she opened her cirtain slowed ready to strike if it was pesky flower. She opened the window and saw something moved she swung that it "Whow kid you trying to knock me back out again?" she opened her eyes to see her friend. "Sans what are you doing here you not suppose to be released until tomorrow." sans looked down "I know but when I get out everyone will want to talk to me I won't get any time for you so I wanted to talk just me and you, you know like we did before?" Frisk blushed at sans remark,"Would you like to come inside now." Sans nodded with a smile and walked into frisks room he sat right next to frisk as she smiled,"You know sans i'm really glad you woke up.. Err..I mean everyone is " ."Frisk covered her blush as sans chuckled he poked her cheek,"You know you're cute when you blush."Sans says making the blush harden but faded when a thought came to mind,"Sans about what you said.. Well almost said when you passed out do you remember it?" Sans blushed at the memory of being held by frisk and his almost confession,"errr.. uhh."He couldn't muster it until he took a breath but was cut off by papyrus,"SANSS THE GREAT PAPYRUS HAS MISSED YOU WHY WEREN'T YOU AT THE RECOVERY ROOM I LOOKED ALL OV...."Papyrus cut himself off seeing sans and frisk alone both blushing papyrus squealed but sans shook his head vigorously and waved his arms around,"I-Its not like that pap m-me and frisk are just talking."papyrus stopped squealing,"OH WELL THAN THE GREAT PAPYRUS WILL LEAVE THE TWO OF YOU ALONE NOW BYE."Papyrus jumps out the window in with frisk facepalms and sans laughs. "Well that's pap for you i guess." they both laughed frisk awkwardly scratched the back of her neck,¨Yeah so about what you..¨ sans quickly interups,¨Welp i got to go to grillbys see ya kid.¨sans waves off to frisk leaveing her confused once out side the door sans let out a sigh. She wondered why he had to leave so soon. She decided not to worry herself she layed back down and went back to sleep.

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