Project papyrus!

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sorry for the wait we have been useing our  school cromebooks and we recently got them tooken up cause its now summer but dont worry  we will still update sooo wub ya ppl and enjoy!!!

Asriel stood behind Frisk he looked at her trembling body and once again placed a hand on her shoulder,"Frisk?" Frisk sniffles, Asriel slowly turned Frisk around seeing the tears that stained her face, red from irritation. "Y-yeah I'm fine." Frisk mumble as she wiped a tear away from her eye.

Back at the house Sans told everyone to leave. Angry, he stormed into his room. Papyrus, hearing the door slam behind him noticed his strange behavior and walked to his door, "Sans?" Papyrus' voice was slow and calming but Sans Still didn't answer. Papyrus slowly opened the door, making a small clicking sound, "You okay?" Sans looked away. Papyrus walked to Sans' bed and sat down placing a hand on Sans' knee,"Come on sans you can tell the great Papyrus anything." sans sighed in defeat knowing Papyrus would not give up "It's nothing pap." Papyrus mustered up the saddest puppy eyes that he could manage. Sans looked at papyrus, "Ok i.. Well kinda yelled at Frisk." Papyrus looked at Sans, "Why did she do something wrong?" Sans shook his head,"No no.. she was hanging out with Asriel and they were laughing, he put his hand on her shoulder, and I don't know I just got mad." Sans buried his face in a pillow to hide his face. Papyrus laughed "Okay i'll leave you to think while I THE GREAT PAPYRUS WILL GO MAKE Us LUNCH!" and with that Papyrus left to the kitchen.Sans let out a chuckle and waited patiently for papyrus to finish.

Meanwhile Frisk walked home alone leaving asrail behind her. Once she was home she sat on her bed keeping close to her phone hoping for Sans' call but it never came.



A week has passed and neither of them said anything to each other not once. Frisk stayed at home more often and refrained to grillbys anymore. She stay mostly only, but Asriel comes over sometimes although not very often, as for Sans he's more quiet and maybe even more lazy. (If that's possible) Sans regretted what he did and wanted to apologize, but something always seemed stop him. Papyrus knew what was happening between Sans and Frisk, and how sans deeply cares for Frisk. Papyrus decided this has gone on long enough so he thought of a plan to fix it all. Papyrus walked all the way to Frisks' house. When he got there he proceeded to knock on her door, "HUMAN?" Frisk opens the door, "Pap? What are you doing here?" Papyrus smile widened,"YES IT IS I THE GREAT PAPYRUS HERE TO INFORM YOU THERE WILL BE A PARTY TOMORROW WILL YOU ATTENDING??" Frisk hesitantly looked at papyrus," Mhm pap i'm not so sure that's a good idea." firsk scratched the back of her neck awkwardly, "PLEASE EVERY ONE WILL BE THERE." Papyrus made the puppy eyes. Frisk sighed, "Ok Pap i'll come." Papyrus smiled more,"YIPPEE HUMAN YOU WON'T REGRET IT!" Papyrus left to invite the others. Frisk closed the door and turn around where back was facing the door she leaned against is and slowly slid down, "What did I get myself into." Frisk remembered how happy papyrus looked when she said yes so she knew she had to show up. She sighed and got up.

A couple hours later she was in her living room when she heard a knock at her door, she opened it to find Alpys holding a small brown box "P-p pap wanted me to give you this." Frisk looked that the box before taking it, "thanks." before Frisk could say anything else Alpys left. She sat down and opened the box to find clothing she took it out to take a closer look, it was a white dress with a red laced bow around the waist. Is was short but not too incredibly short the last ruffle hit right above her knees, she wondered if it was a bit too much. She decided if pap gave it to her she must wear it for him. The hung her new dress in her closet and headed to bed tomorrow was going to be interesting.  

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