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(Hey guy sorry for the late update but heres one hope you like c; )

Frisk lets out a soft sigh smiling,"I guess we should head that way?" Sans rolled his eyes "this should be interesting." the start heading towards the house.Once they arrive to sans house sans opens the door for frisk they both walk in to find papyrus "I THE GREAT PAPYRUS AM GLAD THE TWO OF YOU COULD MAKE IT." Frisk smiles kindly."I would miss a day to not eat your famous spaghetti pap." papyrus blushes "why thanks human take a seat, the spaghetti is almost done." frisk walks over to the table and sans pulls her seat out for her.Frisk sits down blushing slightly,"Thanks."Sans then sits down in his own papyrus sets the plates down and join with sans and frisk. frisk look at the creation in front of her not entirely sure if it was edible. "Uhh thanks pap." she gave sans an uneasy look as if asking what to do. Papyrus stands up,"I WILL BE RIGHT BACK HUMAN AND SANS."With that papyrus left,their was a random convent flower pot so sans and frisk dumped their food in it. Papyrus come back with a surprised face,"WOWIE YOU MUST HAVE REALLY ENJOIED MY COOKING!"Frisk paps her stomach,"you sure right i'm full." sans winks,"It went straight through me." Papyrus gives sans a aggravated look,"SANNNSS." sans laughs,"What are my jokes not humerus?" papyrus screams,"SHUT UP SANSS." sans looked at frisk "we should go." Frisk blushed papyrus looked at the two of them "you are beautiful together." sans hid his face and frisk blush deepened,"W-what do you mean by that pap?" papyrus smiled "I mean yall are cute friends" papyrus smiles widely frisk's blush fades "great friendzoned by his brother too" she thought to herself than she says,"Yeah just friends..." Frisk fake smiles awkwardly scratching the back of his head. Sans looks away to hide his hurt face. "I thought we were more than just friends but I just need to play it cool for now..." Sans thought to himself "yeah just friends..." sans mumbles. "Well this is awkward." papyrus leaves the room filling It with silence. "Well um kid I should go." sans leaves before frisk could argue once sans left t frisk walks out into the dark and started home. Sans was sitting by the waterfall thinking when he heard a little annoying voice he knows all too well. "Well lookie what we have here a little a heart broken skeleton."sans gets angry,"Do you want to have a bad time?"flowey laughs,"HAHAha what i'm only telling you the truth I was watching she never would think of you like that, she only wants to kill!" sans eye flickers blue,"SHUT UP i'm not listening to you!" flowey smile widens murderously vines sprout out of the ground. "You think you could win?" sans lets out a sly sigh meanwhile frisk was home worrying about san because he usually calls to see if frisk made it home ok so she decided to call papyrus to see if sans was home."HELLO THIS IS THE GREAT PAPYRUS." papyrus says frisk asks,"Have you seen sans?" papyrus replied,"NO I HAVE NOT,NOT SINCE I'VE LEFT THE HOUSE." frisk ends the call with,"Thanks anyway pap c'ya." Frisk thinks to herself, "He should be home by now." with that frisk left. Once she made it there she knocked on the door with no answer, it was unlocked. She slowly opened it peeking her head in. "Anyone home, sans?" no reply. "Weird he should be home by now." frisk decides to go look for him. After wandering around for about an hour she hears a voice in the distance. Once she gets closer she notices sans and flowey fighting, bones flying everywhere vines slapping everywhere, "Sans!" Frisk runs towards sans and he turns around ,"No frisk get back!" Sans screamed flowey turned and looked at frisk, "Oh look who decided to join us! HAHAha." just then a vine pushes frisk in the chest "No!" sans ran to her and helps frisk up but slashes across his chest he falls back frisk eyes widens,"SANS!" laughter can be heard in the background frisk runs to sans and puts his head on her lap,"sans please please be ok!" frisk says. repeated tears stream from her face sans coughs up blood,"Sans please dont leave me."Frisk chokes on a tear,"You promised." sans eyes open werly he shakily holds his hand out and cresses her cheek,"You know frisk i'm not good with keeping promises but for you I made an exception because I lo..."sans coughing grew nonstop his vision faded into darkness. Tears spilled out of frisks eyes," Sans?Sans!please stop joking wake up!"she shakes him furiously she cried into his stomach but regained composure kissing him on the teeth,"I love you.." she lays his head on the cold ground eyes closed, "Hate to interrupt but i'm not finished with you." frisk slowly stands and turn around eyes still closed "your right we're not finished yet." she opens her eyes to reveal red orbs.

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