Break through

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Douglas POV

I couldn't believe it. 15 years of dedication to this bionic upgrade and I finally cracked it. I couldn't wait to tell Donny, all that I had discovered, and rub it in his face that I was the better scientist, with much better hair. I held the USB in a tight grasp. This USB has all the information and data I need to implant the bionic upgrade in any bionic chip.
" So precious, so beautiful" I said while stroking the USB
" Should we leave you two alone" a voice said
I quickly turn around to see Adam, Bree, Chase and Leo
" You guys look like your having a bit of a moment" Bree commented
I rolled my eyes at their remarks
" How long have you guys been standing their?" I question
" Long enough to be disturbed" Leo and Chase say in unison.
I put the USB back into its safe case, while Turing my attention back to the others.
" What do you have there Douglas? " Chase asked
" Ohh you want to know. Well in this USB is all the data and research I have collected over the past 15 years to create the worlds best bionic upgrade" I explain while looking proud
Adam looked at me completely confused.
" To many big words, speak English" He shouted
" Anyway, I want to check with Donnie and see if it is ok to start implanting in your chips." I explain
They all looked at me shocked
" You want to check with Mr Davenport about something. So your not going to go behind his back and use it against him" Chase asks confused
" NO. I'm turning over a new leaf, and also I just want to rub it up his face that I'm a better scientist." I explain
I can't wait to tell him. My excitement was reaching boiling point. At that moment Mr Davenport walked in to the mentor quarters
" Hey guys what are you doing?" He asked
" Actually Douglas has some news he would like to share with you" Chase explains
" Ok fill me in!" He says while taking seat on the couch.
" Ok so for the past 15 years I have been working on a bionic upgrade and today I just cracked it.  I wanted to check with you if it was ok to implant it in the students and the other students bionic chips." I explained
He stood up from the couch confused and slowly approached me while resting his hand on my forehead
" Are your feeling well? Because my brother isn't one to check my opinion on things!" He asks confused
The rest laugh
" Haha very funny. Anyway Donny what do you think?All the information we need to access the bionic upgrade is in this USB" I explain. I felt proud not only was this to show Donny I'm better then him at science but to also to impress him.
" So what do you think?" I ask
" Sounds great Douglas, just let me do some further examination on the upgrade. I don't want anyone's life being put in danger because of a faulty upgrade." He says
I look at him confused
" Donny relax, the upgrade is fine. 15 years of work and you think it's not perfected." I explain
" No, I'm saying that 15 years of work and there still maybe some design faults." He says

" Donald would you just listen to me. It's fine. I can even implant it in there bionics right now." I say angered while pointing at the kids.
" NO, NO MEANS NO DOUGLAS!" he shouts.
I've never heard my brother shout like that. I remained silent, I didn't know what to say.
He glares at me one last time before stomping out of the room. I look back at the kids and they all looked shock
" Douglas are you ok?" Bree asked concerned
All I could do was nod. After that I walked straight out of the room without saying a word.

Bree's POV
I never heard Mr Davenport shout like that! I felt bad for Douglas all he wanted to do was share his findings with his older brother and he got shouted at instead. I understood where Mr Davenport came from though. He needed to ensure that the bionic upward was so and not faulty. He was right we couldn't risk anyone getting hurt.
" Douglas are you ok?" I ask
He said nothing. All he did was nod before walking out of the room.
" Woah" Adam says completely oblivious to what had happened.
I roll my eyes
" Guys I feel bad for Douglas?" I say
" I do too. But the best thing we can do is not get involved. You know how Mr Davenport and Douglas get along. It's just going to take time. " Chase explains
We all nod in agreement.
" Anyway let's go get ready training starts soon!" Chase orders.
We all nod in agreement before leaving to room.

Douglas POV

I was hurt that Donald yelled, but I wasn't going to let this put me down. I'm Douglas Davenport. The great and wonderful Douglas Davenport. If Donald wasn't going to listen I was  going to make him listen.
I had already devised a plan in my head.
All I had to do was convince one of the kids that I was just doing a scan of their chips to ensure everything is ok. But in reality I am implanting the bionic upgrade in their chips. Deceiving I know, but this is the only way I can prove to my brother how much better I am compared to him. The only question is who to do it on.
I figured that the first person who walked in the mentor quarters would be the person I implant the bionic upgrade on. I wasn't going to do it on the students but in either Adam, Bree or Chase.
It was just going to take time.

Authors note

Yay. First chapter is up. I'm sorry if it is a little short, I wanted to get a chapter up before my schedule gets busy. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter. Tell me what you guys think in the comments and I promise that I will update in 2 days it it will be a lot longer. I just have to deal with my busy schedule.
Until next time

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