Sirens and Lights

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Previously on Sick Chip Glitch
" I'm so sorry Chase!" I whispered
" I just spoke to Mr Davenport he will meet us at the hospital" Bree said in a hush tone. Her voice cracked with every word.

We all exchange worried glances before sirens echoed through the street and flashing lights shone brightly. The van began driving off, leaving the van completely silent and everyone greatly worried.

Mr Davenport's POV

I rushed around the mentor quarters frantically gathering all my things, getting ready to leave for the hospital. I heard what had happened, and immediately began to prepare myself. Just as I was about to leave Douglas walked in.

" Donny where are you going?" He asked
While gathering the very last of my things I answer.
" To the hospital Chase was involved in an accident. A major accident. He is heading to the hospital now with Adam ,Bree and Leo. " I explain between shaky breaths.

" WHAT! What happened" Douglas screamed
I shake my ears as his scream was deafening.
" I don't know, something went wrong in the mission and now he is being rushed to the hospital. I have to leave now!" I exclaim
As I start walking Douglas soon stops me.

" I'm coming with you!"
I shake my head in disagreement
" NO. Douglas I need someone to stay here and supervise the academy." I say.
He didn't seem to convinced .

" No I'm coming! Eddie can stay here and supervise. Can't you Eddie!" He asked. Eddie soon revealed himself on the screen.
" You betcha, I'll watch these bionic brats." He said in an evil tone.
I didn't feel so good about the situation, but I finally gave in and agreed to letting Douglas come.

" Fine. Come one we have to go!" I prompt while walking over to the hydro loop.
As we took our seats in the hydro loop, it fell completely silent before Douglas asked.
" Do you know anything about what happened to him?" Douglas asked
I shake my head.

" I have no idea what's happened. Bree sounded greatly concerned on the phone, so we can't waste that much time. " I explain.
The hydro loop came to a sudden halt.
" Come on let's go. We can't waste time!" Douglas says while rushing out of the hydro loop.

Bree POV
The van fell into a deep silence as it began driving off. The only sound was the echoing sirens through the streets and the blaring lights. I buried my head in my hands hiding my tears. My hands and legs had been shaking and my heart was racing. Adam looked sick, after seeing Chase's state and Leo remained silent and in shock the entire time.

Nurses struggled to get view of Chase as the van was very cramped, and there wasn't much space.

I felt a gentle hand rest on my knee and stop my shaking. I turn around to see Adam's comforting eyes. I rest my head on his shoulder and show him a soft smile. We were all greatly concerned for Chase.

Everything was silent until a nurse by the name Victoria spoke.
" You guys are the bionic superheroes aren't you!" She exclaimed
" yeah" I silently say while wiping my tears away.
She smiles at Adam, Leo and I.
" You guys saved a lot of lives. We're lucky to have you guys!" She says

It felt nice to be appreciated, but that didn't stop my ever growing concern I had for my brother.
" Is he going to be ok?" Leo questioned in a hush tone
We all turn our heads to face the nurse once again. She glanced at Chase before answering us.
" I don't know. He looks pretty banged up. We will try our best to help him" She comforts

We all nod our heads, before feeling the van come to a stop.
The back doors bursted open and several paramedics pulled the portable hospital bed out , with Chase on it.
Screams and shouts filled the area.

We were soon directed out of the van and shown into the hospital.
" Your brother is being raced to a room right now. Do you guys have any adults here to accompany you? Victoria asked

" Yes" two voices said in unison. We all turn around to see Douglas and Mr Davenport standing there. Douglas and Mr Davenport rushed over to the nurse looking greatly distressed.

" Hi I'm Douglas Davenport, Chase's father. Is my son ok?" Douglas asked.
"Doctors are currently checking up on him, we will know more when he wakes up. " Victoria explained but hesitated the last part.
My mined began rushing at the thought of Chase not waking up, which made me shake even more. The though made me sick.

I saw Chase in the far distance of the hall, surrounded by doctors while being pulled into a room by the nurses and doctors. A chill went down my spine at the sight of him. Scratches and bruises consumed his face and his leg looked badly injured.

I glance over at Mr Davenport and Douglas and see them having a conversation with Victoria.
" Listen I know you guys are concerned. Your son is in good hands." she explained.
" Can we at least see him" Douglas asked

Victoria quickly walked up to one of the doctors that had been around Chase a little earlier before walking back to us.
" You won't be able to stay inside the room but you can look through the window for a few minutes." She explained
" Thank You" Leo said before we all rushed to the other end of the hall.

I rest my head against the window watching Chase being hooked up to many machines while several doctors surrounded him. I force my eyes closed after seeing Chase. His mission suit was torn, ash covered his face, and he looked so lifeless. I slowly open my eyes again watching the fog from my breathing cover the glass.

A doctor soon walked out of the room, holding a clipboard with him and shutting the door behind him. We all look at him hopeful to at least get some news about Chase.
" How is he doctor?" Adam asked eagerly
He looks at the floor before returning his attention to us.
"  Chase, had a large intake of smoke and his leg looks badly injured Adam may be broken. We can assume that a few of his ribs have been broken, by the impact of a beam that may have fell on him.I'm assuming this was all caused by the burning building but, we will have to do further examination on him and his chip" he explained

" When will he wake?" I ask
He lets out a deep sigh and seems reluctant to answer.
" Doctor! What's wrong? " Mr Davenport asked concerned
" We don't know when Chase will wake up ( pauses for a moment) There is a large chance that he may be in a coma. " He says

My heart dropped to my feet after hearing that and tears began to form in my eyes as I turn to face the others. I look back through the window and catch a glimpse of Chase's face.
He didn't move and His eyes were closed.

Authors note
Ok finally done. Hope you guys liked that, I've been receiving amazing comments and many votes and I am so happy about that, so thank you guys so much. My schedule is getting busy once again so I might not be able to update as regularly but I will see how I go.
Until next time

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