Bionic or not!

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Previously on Sick Chip Glitch
After 5 minutes his eyes slowly began to open. We all faced him with joy on our faces.
" Chase, your awake!" Douglas exclaims while moving closer.
He pushed himself up so he was sitting properly.
" Yeah I'm awake, I'm alive. "
" But I'm not bionic" he answered while his face went blank.

Chase POV
" Yeah I'm awake, I'm alive." I paused for a moment
" but I'm not bionic!" I say as my voice cracked. The more I thought about it, the more I realised how real it felt. I wasn't bionic anymore.
I glance at my family. I felt lost without my bionics, I didn't realise how much I relied on my bionics.
" I'm sorry Chase, but it's true you aren't bionic. But your alive" Mr Davenport soothed.
"What am I going to? Without my bionics I'm not mission leader, I can't even help on missions. Without my bionics I don't know who I am." I say quickly.

It was silent for a moment before Bree spoke.
" Chase, we are all here for you and we think we might be able to get your bionics back. It's just going to take time." She says
" How much time?" I question while I continue to look at my family
They all looked unsure, and looked like they didn't know how to answer.
" We don't know. But we think that maybe the upgrade and a newly designed chop may help. We will find a way to fix you nerves system but till then it's a waiting game." Douglas explains
I interpreted every word that was said. They think the bionic upgrade may work.
" Your kidding right. That bionic upgrade may help me, I don't think that's such a good idea." I say in a unsure voice. I felt my hand shaking. I couldn't help but to be scared, I don't know what's going to become of this situation, but maybe that's a good thing, I thought.

" Chase, I got you in this situation and I'm going to get you out. I just need you to trust me, I won't hurt you again." Douglas says
" I know you won't, I'm just a little unsure but I'm not going to give up. So if you are willing to help, I will trust you." I say.
He patted me on the back. Hope was all I had to hold on to.

Time Skip

I was currently in the training area alone. That's where I wanted to be. The others were currently on a mission. It hurt that I couldn't go on missions anymore. I felt lost.
A test dummy rested in front of me and I was currently practising on it. Releasing all me anger and sadness through martial arts. I kicked the dummy several times. It helped calm me down a lot. All my emotions were transformed into powerful strikes and kicks. After 5 minutes of continuous fighting, I let out a heavy sigh before resting my weight on the dummy. My breathing was heavy. All the events that had happened flashed through my head. From the time where I got the bionic upgrade, to the time we battled Sebastian, to now. I lost my bionics and now I felt like a part of me was missing.
I lift my self up off the dummy and take a seat on the ledge.
Suddenly I tripped over something solid.
I groan in pain as my face collided with the floor. I pick my self up and come to view with what I tripped on. It was the purple vile that Sebastian had. My eyes widened at the sight. I quickly scramble onto my feet and pick up the vile.
This could be the very thing that gets me my bionics. I was overcome by joy.
I quickly raced out of the room.
" Mr Davenport, Douglas. " I shout as I run through the halls. I reach the mentor quarters and find Mr Davenport and Douglas standing in the far corner. They looked frustrated.
" This is crazy, we have been at this for 2 hours and still nothing has come up." Douglas growled while smashing the tablet at his feet. Mr Davenport looked amused by the scene and let out a slight chuckle.
" Mr Davenport, Douglas " I say in a confused tone

" Chase, what is it. Has Sebastian come back?" Mr Davenport says while trading his eyes to me.
I shake my head
" No, I found this in the training area. It's the purple vile that Sebastian had. It can heal my chip." I say I excitement
I see a different look in Mr Davenports face that told me he wasn't sold on the idea.
" Chase I know you want your bionics back but it's going to take time. Sebastian told you it will help heal your chip, but that may not be true. We can't trust Sebastian." He explains.
I understood his point but there was no reason on why we couldn't try.
" We can at least try, Sebastian said that's how he got his bionics back so this may help me. Please can we at least try." I plead.
He still didn't look convinced
" Come on Donnie. Let's at least try. We can analyse the substance and if there is anything wrong we can fix it. We can do this together. Besides we need help desperately" Douglas says while holding the broken tablet.

Mr Davenport looked away before finally giving in.
" Ok, fine. Let's just analyse the substance first. We don't want a repeat of last time." He says while glaring at Douglas.
Douglas just held his hands up in defence.
I began cough violently. I was still sick from the upgrade which didn't help.
" Chase you should go rest, you've been through a lot today" Mr Davenport ordered
" I'm fine, I can help." I exclaim
" Chase I know you want to help, but the best thing you can do for your self is rest" he explained
I roll my eyes in annoyance.
I hated feeling useless, It was the worst feeling ever. I couldn't help how I felt I was only left with hope.

After about 2 hours I was woken by Mr Davenport and Douglas screaming at the top of their lungs. I wake up in a fright from the sudden screaming.
" CHASE, WE DID IT, We found an antidote!" They shouted
I looked at them shocked with a mix of emotions on my face.
" Are you guys serious? I'm going to be bionic again" I exclaim
" We think so. We analysed the substance and we think it might work. All you have to do is drink the substance and it will heal your chip. " Douglas says through breaths

I couldn't help but to smile.
" Great so where is the antidote" I ask
" Right here" Douglas says while handing be a vile.
I slowly grasp it in my hands. I will finally be bionic.
" Chase if for some reason it doesn't work, I'm sorry" Douglas says
" I've got faith in you Douglas, and thanks" I say.
I open the vile, I didn't notice that my hands were shaking. I take a sip from the vile.
I felt a burst of energy run through my veins. My head began to pound and I felt my heart racing. I felt sharp pains in my neck. I groan in pain as I feel my body go into shock. I began to cough violently and felt my hands shaking. I dropped the vile at my feet and felt my legs collapse. I squeeze my eyes shut.
" What's going on?" I hear Mr Davenport ask
Douglas had no response. I felt the, trying to help me off the ground but I couldn't move.

Suddenly I felt the pain go away. I let out a sigh of relief. I felt the ego my go away and I was slowly regaining my strength.
" Chase are you ok?" Douglas asked.
I struggle to push myself up, but gain help from Mr Davenport.
" I think so!" I say
" Did it work?" Douglas questioned
I heard a sudden scream and quickly turn myself around to see a ball coming at us.
I quickly activate my force field and prevent it from hitting us. Adam, Bree and Leo soon enter the room and see my force field activated.
I couldn't believe it.
My bionics were back!

Authors note
Yay, happy ending. Hope you guys liked that. I had a major writers block but mama fed to put this chapter together. Anyway so tell me what you guys think about this chapter and tell me what you want to see in the next. Thanks for all your support. You guys are awesome.
Until next Time

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